Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 77, 3 April 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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H* E, 8( Bf^o IMP0KTE11S AND DEALEKS 1N Grx*oceries, Pro\'isions Peed, EAST eOKNEH FORT k KING STS. New Goods Rec'd By every P.«cket frora tho Kistern States anJ £orope. Fresb Califoruia Pnxlnce by even steatner. All orvlcrs f;rthfnlly attenJoil t\«ml G > He!iveml to any part of the c;ty FKEE 0F OllAEOE. Islan.l Or.l ts S>licite.i. S;»t >f,«ction Ga.rr.iute <1. Pots Oillee l>os N >. 14ō. Telepbono N k 92.

Again in Town! X c\v Sonixs, New Heeitations, New Tnstrumental nnil I3ancl Sclections The Latest »r .1 Bc-t it'ceivetl by tlie s'eamer .V nowai, aro now ou txii;bit ou at t o Popular Phonograph Parlors, Arlingt"rn Bloek. Hotel Street. Dou’t mist.ike the Location. fe!9 mi ARRIVED, BiBY ■ CARRIAGES OF.ALL_STYLES, CARPETS, a ; IX T1IE LATEST r.VTTEKNS. OUSEHOLD” SEWING MACH1NE5 Hanu Se\ving M.vcniNE.s, Wit’a the Lotest In p oremenN J *5 J PAKLOK Orc:ans, GuitarSf Aoil Other Mnsicu1 I | Wincs, Liquors, Beer ALWW3 ON HAND. VND FOB SALE DY ED. aorrSSHUEGER 4 co Klne* 5 » > c , .w<ke , « H. MAY, & Co., Tea Dealers, Coftee Roasters AND Provision Mercliants 98 Fort Street, - Honolula Ficailies, Pl iulilion 5 » an 1 Sh.ps «ai’p’ie.! « tb cli»<i>.« st Eunt‘tean C* .1 mcrLa u Grocrrie3 C-.liforoia Prf>lr.ce bjr Evcry St*’u.er.

LANDS AT AUCT:OX. I Bv virtne «>{ au onler is<»ne»l hv tlie Comt thn»ug ! » the Chief 1 Justice. II. n A. F. Ju<lil. in re2;ir*l to tl e C:iS8 of WILLIAM WAT80N et al. agiinst Dav:il Watson, t!jcro nill l»e soKi »t Fnb!ic Anrtion, at the Auction I{ooms of J.imes F. Morpau. :it l’J «•eloek noon. on SATURDAY A; lii 28, AIl t!i«>-e preiuists situate»l at Kmeohe, K >olanpoko, O.ilm; aml niore |>articnlarly Jesignateil foIlows, to \vit: Lot 1 3.80-100 acres Lot !2 4 ’21 “ Lot 3 37.93 “ Lot 4 7.33 “ All are parts of Koyal Pateut 174 to Panl F. Maniui. Lot 5 20acres Lot (» 20 “ Lot 7 20 “ Lot 8 54.50 “ Lot 9 54 50 “ All ar« )> rts of tlinse premisea eonveved bv Kamehameiia I\. to Davitl Watson, by ilee»l »1 iteil Dec. 29. 1832. an«l rec«mle<l in Liber 13. p ges 127 aml 128. Tit!e perfect. D>-eils at the expenses of tho | Purcliasers. For furtlier particulars apply to William C Achi, Attorney t the Coinu»issioner, or to S. M. KAAUKAL C«»nm*issioncr. Honnlule. Fe1 . 23. 1894. Hen*rv Congi>ox. L. 11. Dee. C:ilifornia Wiuo Co. J03BEES OF Wines. Spirits, & Beers. | Aml in f t.ire t' o bns :«es% will I be carr ed >•' nn«l«*r t'»e n ino aml stvle <.f ’• CUJFORNl \ WINE i CŌ .” at 407 Fort street, Melu ruv B oe e. LiB9P. BUEEAD. THE AMEHieAN LEAOl'E i>fgs lc»ve to ::iinmneo tiiat it | >ias estib ished an E upl >yment , B ire >;t m C'>uneet.oii \v«tli t!io | Amerie:n» Le gie \\ e will be i>le;«S"il t • fiirinsli yoa with skil«tl or unsk.Ileil lab«»r w th »' t iuv fee for the engiging siic!» l:ibor. Tl»e *abor enr >lle«l with ns is >f the followiug n »t.oa ilities: Am> ricau. P..rtngiiese, H i w «ua.i. Genoau, Aml other E »ropean N tionalities B gg ng le»ve to open a cori j »es|> i»<loi»ee w»t!» you on this ; snbjeet, ’ Weieni.iin, i ! Y >nr obe»lieut serv.mts. |The A:ir.r.iCA.\ Le<gce E»ploy •; mevt Bcue.\c. A l<lr*ss all comm inicitions to T3E0. P. SEVERIN, Seeret »ry. nj »r 23-tf. P O- D>»x 493. - Wis$- Wp d{U$ \ do. e Xo. 23 N'na >nn S.reet, U. ih>1 i!u » | CojiJ«ISS10fl 1 lr ?i >s oi ieeD» ipt l:>eu t (ii btu( :)I L.. 1P< >1 .•! t FSr u «*f N *‘« ( \cc !•<»,• La‘«iJ »( ->,.!» mai, ( « luU (u.eol iu ru y. KWAI VUEX Oabu. M r. u.li, IS31. uu »-lsu>