Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 77, 3 April 1894 — Have You Seen It? [ARTICLE]

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Have You Seen It?

Girdler on Kaahumann Streel is persistent in liis etibrts t<» ;istouish tlie 1adies in Honoluln. H:s greit ;issortment of divss gnods li.i s lieen raentioned be- I fore, aml the 1 idies li;»ve cmwded liis store. But tod ty lie opened | «p ;t line of siteens tiie like of | whieli liave never been seen in i Honolulu S;teens, tliat are so j like satin, tb; t even an expert iniglit be deceived in all ]>ossibIe colors aml sold f«>r tbe ridicnlmis smal! pr;ce of 20 cents a yarl. Ilnrry np ladies and take your piek. Fleet Carpenter Fr mk S Sheppard of t!ie U. S. S. Philadelphia is oue of (he younger blood with t ilent aud ability whieli retlects • so mueli credit npnn the w.;rrant ; olficers of the U. S. Naw < f to dav. Mr. Sheppard is a thornug!i meehaiiie aud is well | versed in llie qualities of iron 1 and ste<d with whieh tlie naval | carpenter of today comes most u emt ict with. His brother offictrs tj,ul him t> bo a jo!ly , ines-m ite while tlie departmcnt wiiieh lie lms charg; of shows fiom his coudact tlicreof h > | capabillty ; s a tliorongh master- i meehan e. t miM uma * u *'• • m **