Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 77, 3 April 1894 — Burned to the Ground. [ARTICLE]

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Burned to the Ground.

At 10:20 o eloek lliis , ;n«»>rai;ition w.ts telpjiuoned froiD :rīkiki tliat a hoase owneU j Henrv roor&!{n:ited on tLt* iieaeh noail ;«t Kapiolaui P i?k nas on fire. The l‘'ng dist«uc9 from tmrn preriod< d the necessitv of «n alami nnd as a ra ilter < f conrse no loeal Hss:stacce being bandy or avail >ble tl»e honae ar.d j ci)iiteitts w. re i’ntirely destroyed. The baild:ug was a won<len nne and was Valutd at $3ō00. The pretoises weie not occopied. and the canse is snpposed t > be eitLer incendiary or the rosalt of care lessaess on tite part of so»ne utiknown trespasser Titere is an itisnraooe on tbebnrced build np «f 1.500 and on faraitnre of $300 itt the olH;e of Messrs B. and A. J. Cait\vr g!it. The young son of Mr. Abr. Fernaudez is reported to be in a v ery precariuos state from brain fever. Dr. Char!es A. Peterson 1» s j been appointed a tt!etnber of t!ie board of ph3's:ci:insi f the Qaeen’s ; Hosp:t il bv the trastees of the iustitntion. Tiic registr;itii>u olHee. was ask ed this afternoon to t>-ll the nnmber of peoj'le who had registered; the answer given was they, “d!d not know.’ : Pn»bubly, «ml natur.ill3’asharaed of the retarns. Clinrlie F. Brown t!io p ( pnl'Ms!iip’s eook of tlie U. S. S. Ailum s has eudcd h s term of service J and has dropi'ed his sailor snit i reparatoiy t>i his t i!;ing ptis<age to t!ie Coast en routj to New York, in the ste,ainer Monouni i Brown bas beea well liked by li!s shipmates and t!iey wish Lin. hon i’o'/une. i J 1