Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 76, 2 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — Hawaiian Hardware Company. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Hawaiian Hardware Company.

. March 14. 18fU. • The fact that but less than one ' hurdred patenta have been issued bv the Hawaiian Government ( does not speak volnmes for the < inventive abilitv of the residents ! * of this countn,'. Nor are all tbe | patents to Hawaiiaus, mnny of i them, perhaps a majority, are i merely to people in tbe United ! States wbo wish to proteot their interests all over the world. We have had a patent issued for the Jones Locked Fence. ! because we saw that it was a good thing, and tho people who bnild fences believed it the best thinc thev had ever seen. Certaiu j parties had m contemplation ■ tho manufacture of the articles nsed in the Locked Fence, and . we did not think that an imitation j article wonld be half as good as the original, henee, the patent | on Hawaii. | We have been selling the Jones Locked Fence for a year and its j»opularity is growing every day. As an evidence of ■ what the Fence is thought of by a gentleman who is thorooghly well posted in caltle and fences we publish tho following letter: | “Kapapala Ranch. Kau, Hawaii, March 10, 1894. j E. R. Hendr\’, Fsq., Manager Hawaiian Hardware Co., Honolulu. Dear Sir: I have just eomp!eted somo j three miles of the *'Jones Loek Fence” and must say that I am very mueh plensed with it, in fact it is Oie fence for a ranch. I had about a mile to constrnct over “pahoehoe” where it was nearly impo»sible to get a post down, and foond in this case, especially, the “Jones fence” was a great saving of labor. Thereare places 1 . in this Fence where the posts are at least 75 feet apart and the space between filled in with stags. There is no sag to it. and it is as spring\' as a wire mattress. I am confidcnt that it will turn k any ordinan stock. I have some - two and a balf miles more to construct over a countrv where wild cattle are veiy plentifal. ' and as soon as it bas undergone the test tbere, will wnte you , furtber. If it will turn the stock on this part of the land, and I j feel confident it will, yon ean rest assnred tbat it will turn most anything, except a Lava flow. A ery Tru!y Yours, J MONSARRAT. ’ * | — * I This should convince tbe most skeptical; if ihere arepeople who still doubt, Iet them eome to our store and inspect a a&mple. I I Tte Hiwaii • • aJT Fort 8trwi