Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 76, 2 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — TO BE EDUCATED. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Returning Here, He Won't be a “Chump.” — A eorre5pon<lent, who evulontly doesu’t read tho P. G. news- ! papers is askir>g ns what we ; reforred to in onr *£elicitations’ to tho Commandei-in-chief with etc. etc. As an auswer we herewith publish the portion of the report of the proceedings of the lust meeting of the Councils whieh ! iehite to the matter. Our*’correspondeut will then nnderstand the situation and we will add that the Commander-in-chief etc. etc. departed— salarv aud all —by the Australia last Saturday. RErOBT. Tho President stated that ho had granted Col. Soper leave of | abscuce for five or six weeks to go to Califoruia. He went p irtially to investigate m;litirv matters. He recommended thnt his pay be conHnoed, and that ?100 a month be appropriated for ■ Lieut. Col. Fisher duriug Soper’s ; absence. Tho amount for Fisher was voted. Mr. Morgan objected to Col. Soper’s receiying pay during his absence, becao.se ho wont tolearn somethingaboat military matters, whieh he was supposed to know alroady. Mr. Tenney said the membersof the Advisory Council drew their ; salaries while aw«y, aud he saw no reason why the eolonel of the forccs should uot. £Langhter.] The President s,iid Col. S.iper : had beeu entirely nuassnhiing. ; and had never pretended to i ; greater knowledge thau he posj sessed. Mr. Emmeloth said no one de- i sired to depreciate the services of I Col. Soper who had done hisbesi bnt be dul not think the Govern- ; raent should pay him to acquire further kno«Todge. The Attorney-General s;iid that it was merely a matter of a vacation. Mr. Tenney moved the action of tbo- Presideut in grauting Soper leave of absence be approved. Mr. Eua said he agroed with ; Mr. Emmelulh. He o«ght to pay the salary of his substitnte. ī). B. Smith agreed w:th Mr. i Eua. Col. Soper wasa p»rticulai friend of his, bnt this \Tas a qnestion of the jieop!e’s mouey. ' He did not believe in payiug salary to men when theV were not i doing the work. Mr. £mme!utb to add ! to Mr. Tenney's motion the wonls “without pay. ’ The amendment was lost. The original motiou passed. Tbe alLir in the Catholic Cath-1 edral at Los Angeles is made of marble and onyx and cost nearly j $9000. It was the gift of several ; wealtby members of the congregation, among whom was exGorernor Downey.