Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 75, 31 March 1894 Edition 02 — NOIICE FROM THE Hui Aloha Aina TO THE HAWAIIAN PEOPLE [ARTICLE]

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Wbcreas f the Provis:onal Gorern!uent pn»pcses t > eall a Cou-titut;onal Conve>itiou for tire pnrpose of rireparinp a new Constitation f r the Hiwaiian I-I.tn>ls, allowinp oniy 1> delep des t<> be elec!ed to sit wilh tlie now e!ected members of tlie preseat Execotivo nnd Advis. rv Counciis, w hieli Lod\'c« nsists of ninoleen inenibers nhioli wouU o>«u»t tnte a niaj )r!tv of the prv j >sed coi»vent>on, nnd theref re able to defeat ;<ny wishes of t:e Hnwaiian Pe< j>le. And wliereas it is fuither pro: osed to allow ail f [•e gners who were iu tlie eonntry ou or bfcf >re J >miarv lst, 94. the ripht < f fmnchise.aiid. whereas. eaeh del*-gate and e«ch v<>ter w II be ob! p* d to t<ke an oat!i <1 r«’g«tory t > i!;e d;gnity, tradit;> ;.s aud ar.tonomy of the Hav, liian Naiion whieh is a clear \ >! «tion of their Coiist t:ition:i. iiphts. Therefore, be it reso!ved t!;.>t we earnestly recommend ill members of tl.e “Hni Al ha Ain i ’ and ail Hawaiian symj>ath:zers t> .refrain from ]>articiI’alinp in the eomiup electlon for d< h‘putss to tha j>ro|\osed eouveiith>ii. Aial all members of tlie “ilni Aloiia Aina” are es]>ecially c.iutioneil agaiiist t.iking any of the ]ire.scr;bid oatlis or tik!ng anypart whatever in tiie afor - meutionul e!eet!ons, or joininp any cf the clul>s st.uted to ]>re j-.ii8 the same, and frora jo;ning in any «cts whatever affectmg the Hawaiiau Kation or t>eople‘s appeal uow nnder consideratiou l>efore t!ie Kxecutive an«l Lrgislal<ve anthor!ty of the Aiuericau INaiion. Bv Oi:deu. , (S r g.) Jas. K. Kaulia, S, Secret.ii y.