Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 75, 31 March 1894 Edition 02 — Not a Trifle. [ARTICLE]

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Not a Trifle.

Wo lmvon‘t li»d a elmnee vet to Uniiik the editor of tlie Advev(Uter I for liis kin«l remnrks in regnrd to | tbe snit f «r sedition ngiinstthe Hoi.omi \ edit >r and his similar kinduess in printiug theHoLOMCA editoi s j iotnre and besides i niaking liim look like anythmg | bet\veeu a st tge rubber or a patent-ined:cine uinn. Ifowever. j our gratidude e muot bring us | into '•ilenee. TIie case agiinst : that Holomi a issimplyanoutrago j A\e will m_v far Att >rney g-iner.il Siuitli, tliat wo do uot believe that the o.ise :>g.iinst Mr. Nonie eman from him or \v:is ndvised by him. A\ e shall not enter ou ! the merits >'f tlie caso. It is for a jury of our jn-ers to decide if. we really havo been guilty of , seditiou or u«»t. We consider it 1 perfectly e irrect of tbe District Judge t«>find iu the manncr tbat«he did. kuo\ving taat tlie ease wou.d then go to a higher tribnaal. But we believ«j t'ie priciple in the businoss to be \vrong. Mr. Castle of tlie .1 li ■ W«Vr, tella us tliat it is ’‘not a trifi * «nd advocaU*s th«*; hanging (more or Jess) of Mr. No» r;e. Daes the ddrrWtaer editor re- j 1 member the mirestricted license of his pajK*r when it nnder forraer r» gimes abused nnd vilified every I ! body connected vrith the archial government? Did Editor i ] Castla ever read tbe Gaadt« | I while Atkinson w is tho editor l •nd **J5il«y’* Smith or ••Billy” s Castle dul the wriling? We are i not endearoring to defend what s has been sa;d in tlie HoLOMUA,as I tar as the sedition charge is eon- s oenunl, bnt we do hold tbai any e atbemptt j muzz!e the j>ress and '1 preveut the peoj>ie s* vbice frono < being heard. &hould be &topped. i io • most dsteruiined mmuer a I h.oodrad dollars (md costa) voo’{ 1 V tt JT w llUea0a4u Uus ahuoL 11