Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 75, 31 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Aw\rded, Anhenser-13usch Bi*ewing“ Co. Wm; the i?r\ZG at the W’'01*1 cTs 3fail* with their lCAGLlii !Brand Beer. St. Louia. Oct. 28. 1893. Me?sbs. Mactap.laxe & Co., L’d . Hunolnla, H. I. Dear Sirs: —We lmve niaileel yoa a copy of tlie Gl"hf-Democrat announcing tiiegre.it victo»v won by the Axheuseu-Bcsh Association with their “EAGLL ’ Brand ol Beer. [ SigD6d”l ANHEUSER-E CSH BEWING ASSOCIATIO.\. I * M <r In ordericg lhis Beer besuretoask forthe “EAOLE” Brand. Macfarlane & Co., M-»r. 14- -2md. Afient*for Haiwiian I*iand «. AT THB CLUB STABLES. “ CREOLE,” 21,702. Race Record: Fourth Heat 2:15. Made at Stockton, Cal. Sept. 23, 1893. gire. Prompter, 2,305. bv BPe Bnll. 75: Oahi, Grace. by Boec*neer. 2,656. Prompter .. 1 . . _ «.*. ,r l.Kl. W ,11 0.-«l . O.or;. 9-9A-oin". rn.>niiupr, ut m v *.'***- .... .... —, • g j»ls<.t ihe Sire of A|ws, 2:28; Tnm«it, 2s36l{ 5Valker 2;2Ttl; IVales, 2:27i; Chico, .nd of tht Duius HnllīaoUue, 2:17 and 2:28. "Okkolk is »et black, m m % .t • # II* I— A 1 ATA »tf 11U *na oi iue l»>uis onii'auuue, a;h wm "Ku> t oue hmd rhite foot and amall str pe in face. \Veipht, 1,050 ponmhi; is rery stylish, a <TKid pr.<ilncer •■nd » eiiee rnce horse, Will stanil fur a linuted uumher of iuiircs at oriV («sc — v ’ * **“ — s “ ' ri "‘ l “““ lllliei 1 ui» II LlU’ i: I <11 ■ M'inr, ..... .... — ». . . 1(50' DOLI.AhS FOR THE SKASOK, piiyable at time of aerrice. Thu horse vas bred in 1892 to forty-six mates au-1 pn>dnce<l furty-two ooita. feb 17-im 13 FE DAVTS. r V Robinson Block, Hotel St., heiween Fort and Nuuanu, Have Jrst T«c« vip. ]«r 1 <1 e )tif*M ir<cd ffFER MTL'EE Ever In.| • it« el lo t! is Croctry, CororiisiDg Handsome Carved Bedroom Sets In Soli<l Onle, andof the LATESTDESIGSS. ESPECIAL ATTENT10N 1S CALLED Ta) THESE SETS: WICKER WARE!, Be:»«t f»tl D> s gns * f Wiek' r Ware. consist ng of 30FAS, CHA1RS. ROCKERS. etc., vou ean get these in any HN18H r»*t «iesire. CH AIR8, ConntIess numbers of CHAFRS. in every styie, inclading 0FFICE >«o«i HIGH CHAIRS. TiiBLES, I I l L_T» We h«ve had a nniuber of ca!ls for these Tt»bles, with CHAIRS t» maieli. W‘e h«ve now io stock the most BEAUTIFUL DINING ROOM FURNITURE EV£R SEEN H£RE 3ideboards and -:- Chiffoniers y vans covetvd with P0RT1ERS .vre becommg qnite tbe mge m ilaee of LOUNGES -wh manufactnre them to order, aud have a aige stock of P0RTIEKS to sel-ct from. BEDDnTG*. 5reat Assortment ofW0VEV WIRE MATTRESSES—Spring. Hair Moea. W«*ol ai»d Straw M«ttressHS on haa«l and made to order. L1VE GEESE FEATHERS »ud SILK FL0SS fur Pd'ows. CRIBS.CRADLES.etc. . WIND0W SHADES of all colors and sii>s. C0RnICE POLES. in wo*>d or br-ss tr»nimings. EEPAlEIN’a. U«ttrea*es, Looages .ml «II CpboUtored Ftmnlore repairad a r asonabSe r. tes. CABIRET MAKINO, io all its branches. by G»mpeaent Workmen MATTING LA»D *nd Int rior Decor-ting ouder the Sapems»ou o Slr. OEOKOE 0RDWAY. , _ . _ Oor G<>ods »re F ret Cl*ss. &nd «ur pneea are tbe lowest. Com ■nd be e nvincetl—a tria1 in s>l c T te«t Be<) 525. tklephoses: .. Mnt »al 645 OR3)WaT& PaRTE3l fiub.aaHO Block, b<4«eea Fortsod Noosn