Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 75, 31 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Again in Town! ew Son£s, N ew Hecitations, N’ew Xnstrumental aml Band Selections The Lntest an«I Be.«t reoetveii bv the s*eamer .'.lonowai, are nov on exhibit on at tho Popular Phonograph Parlors, Arlingtin Block. Hotel Street. Dou’t mistake the Location. fel9 Criterion Saloon PFR AUSTRALIA, anothor lnroice of the celebrated JOHN WEILAND ,X T K I LAqEF^ Also, a FnEsn Invoice of C^LlfO^N[/\ Si I -FOB @Y S T EE l !1 L. H. DEE, Proprictor. IMTtR-l£lfkDPllOT/CE. Catt. WILLĪAM DAVIES. — FOR TRE P*st TWET VE YEARS in comman<T m lnter-UUnd 8te»mers vCrr* su » *erv-eea of PĪLOTto axy port or Un'Iing in the Hawaiien I»UniU. Be*t of referenc»is inquire «t o(Hc« of J. S. W*i ..»er Spreclel* Unk, or Wa gmv Fort Stn-et. feb U-tf. Citysa Meat Market Oppo. Queen Emma Hall, Esta blisbed)1883. JOS. TINKER, W«=Y 1 Malcer nf the Cehhr<i‘‘ , J . Canbndge Pcrk Sausage ! Twr Thex. a M?at Dcl;verod to Aay Part of tua City uud Suburbs. KUtaai Ihiaplmn* Kunlm