Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 75, 31 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
E, B^o n£PORTEBS A>*D DEALEES IN Groceries, P > ro\'isions A5T> !Feed, EAST CORNER FORT & KINO STS. New Goods Rec’d Ey every P*cket from tbe Eastern SUtes anJ Entope. Fresh California Produce by even steamer. All onlers faithfully attended t*>. and Go'tU «lelivered to any part of the city FREE 0F CHAKGE. Island Ordors SoIicited. Sat>sfaction Gnaranteed. Pots OOiee Box No. 145, Te!ephone No. 92.
LANDS AT AUCTION. By virtne of an onler issned hy the Conrt throogh tlie Chief Jnstice. Hon. A. F. Judtl, in regnnl to the Case of WILLIAM WATSON et al. ngainst David WMtson, there will be sold at Pohlie Anction, at the Auction Ilooms of James F. Morgan. at 12 o’eloek uoon, on SATURDAY A»»ril 28. 1894. All those premises situated at Kaneohe. Koolaupoko, Oahu: and more particnhtrly designnted as follows, to wU: Lot 1 3.80-100 acres Lot 2 4 21 “ Lot 3 37.96 “ Lot 4 7.35 “ All are parts of Royal Patent 174 to Paul F. Man;ni. Lot 5 20 acres Lot 6 20 “ Lot 7 20 “ Lot 8 54.50 “ Lot 9 54 50 “ All are parts of tbose premisee couveye»l bv Kamehaineha IV. to David Watsou, by deed dnted Dec. 29, 1862, und recorded in Liber 16, p ges 127 and 128. Title perfect. Dneds at the expenses of the Purchasers. For further particulars apply to William C. Achi. Attorney for the Comn» ; ss oner. or to S. M. KAAUKAI. Comniissioncr. Honolnlu. Feb, 23,1894. Hexbt Cosodon. L. H. Dee. California Wine Co. — jobbet.s of — Wines, Spirits, & Beers. Aud in f'iture the bns : ness will be darrīed ‘*n nnder the n *me aml style of “ CaLIFoRNIa WINE CO .” at 407 Fort stroet. Mcln« ruy B!ock. Holiday Presents The nndersigned beg leave to eall the attention m l;»rge assortment of t.steful aml elegant Jewolry, suituble for Chnstmas Presents. Hawaiian FIae Pins in d rferent siz< s. i , Hawaiian i Jewelrv i • speciulty. I » l L i 1 ) 3 ! I If joa wnnt to bny an e1eg*nt nnd>t *.be scme time hu eo&ive Cbr«txnaa Presei.t. euli aroaod and inapeei my aloeL. THOS. UNDSAT,