Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 75, 31 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
A COWINC EVENT. Grand Entertaimnent at I the Oper& Honse. ūnder tbe xnan gement of Mr. WillUm Ooelho, there will be an eatertainment giren, at the Opera Hoose, on th s Saturdav eveniug. whieh pmmise to be ooe tbat the pohlie shoaid aot f«il to patronize. The j>roceeds are for | *sweet charity's sike,” and the programme of events is as fol- ; lows: ?A»T I. 1. Or«rtnre—Cruwn of Gold Henoan. Hawauan Ocbeatn. 2- Cort in Raiaer—Oor Comra«Je is Dead C. Coe. Glee Clob. 3. Cbon»a—The Xortb Wind albert Scott C*ttj GWe CJnb. 4. Invltation of Gre:it Men C. Xe«tor 5 Tenor Solo—Ch«ngtless C. Bingham Mi. Jas. W. McGnire. 6. Medlej—Topsey Turrey Oalhleen. HawaliAn Ocbestrm. 7. Dnett—WLen EVr I 8ee Thoae Smil> ing Eyea T. Moor y W. M«gnire, W. J. Cnelho and Ineiahle. Chorns. 8. Dr Mvx>re and hia Pet* at Oome. Part IL 9 Orertnre —Eamenleia Hrem*n. 10 Barotone S lo—The Border Chief J T Wilaoa W. 3. Cnelho 11 FanUsia The Faires LeCombe. Hatr.ii.Hn Orchestrm. 12 Dnett—-Lile'e Is 0‘er, Messre W. H. 4 W. B. Aah. 13 Chonrs—S mple Simon J C.M«cy 14 March —Goodnigbt Fanat liawaii Ponoi. Hawaiian Orchestra. Kamehameha Concert. Qlses, Ghomises, Warbles Ghoir AND j(\f«H*f«H\ ScH®Ot B\|Id. The BOYS will be assisted by others b >t are doing most of tlie wor< THEMSELV£3. to take plaee Saturday, - April 7, at 7 45 P M . nt Kawalahao - Church ADMISSION : : : 5XJts Tickpfs f»r S«le at Castle & Cooke’s, Thrum’s aod llawaiian News Co. mar3I Iw. OCEAiSriC J SteamsMpCo Time Table. i i i i I ! \ * • LOC AL LINE. S. S. AIJSTR ALIA. Arrire Hon-ilnln Le*re Honolnhi frora S, F, tor S, 7. Feb.‘24 Mnr. 31. Mar. 24 Mar. 3. Apr. 21 Apr. 28. May 19 May. 26. Jane 16 June 23. Throuj*h lAine* From S.<»n Fnn. for Sydney. Arrive Honolnlu AlHmeda.. M«ri| > <«N Monow.i Alameda.. M ri|K>st. M 4‘amela. M«*r poee. Mouo«rai Mar 15 A'*r 12 M«y 10 June 7 .Jnly 5 Aog 2 Ang 30 .Sej» 27 Uct 25 From Sydney for San FramUco. Le.tve Honolela. Marip«->H» ■ MonoWai ' i AUmed«.., *' M&ri|H>s» ,. 9 M n<»wni .. v| ra»U. M«ri|K« > Mooowai M r 8 . Apr 5 May 3 -My 31 .J»>no 2S Jnlv 36 A.: g 23 .Sej>t 20 >.(M 18