Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 75, 31 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — Off for the Coast. [ARTICLE]
Off for the Coast.
The steamer Austr«lia, Capt. Houdletto sailed «t noon for San Francisco. There was not the uaual large cmwd at the wharf to witness her departure the re<son for the smalhiess thereof being the fact th«t m<*st of the outgoing passeDgers were tonrists. Tbe hanel pl«yed many airs. as nsoal. Tbe foliowing is a list of the passengers: Mesdames. R W Logan R Forbes «nd child, Barton, C H Christie, Pease, C L W ight und son. Capt Sinith, A R« gan, L C Ables «nd eh’kl. R;ind, J A H*>p| er, Brinckmau, Tileston, Werlich aml ehihl M isses. H van Winkle, Alsip, ! Horuer (2), C H KelIog. Masgravo, W Christie, JuliaCooke, H G Foibes. Borrows, Agnes E Judd, Chnrch and Compson. Mr. and Mrs U E Maleolm. W A Brown and children, Dr Amlrews. F W Macf«rlane, E Oiwi und C M Ilabbv. Messrs. Dr. J A Clond, Dr. E M Peas«*, Rev F E Raml, Fmnk Pease, E M Pei>se, H L van Winkle, A C Lamaeh, A Brnnson. Thos Renton, F Kennet, J H Diste!rath. Edgar Lewis, Wm. Le»vis J N Te.iI, J M Rothchild, J A R >ss, W W Lindsay and L P Lioeoln. J. H. Soper and W. H* Charlock.