Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 75, 31 March 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
Tbe Aostral;« «iPeU at eoon, |tusflei)ger la len. Martial law .s iooke<l npon as oue of tbe evenU of tbe coming week. Wealber ple.ie nt, winJ ligbt N E , sky clondy, tbermomeWr 6*2 degrees, tod-«y. — Tbe Eayraoud nnd Wb;tcomb to lbe Volcnno will retnru to tbis city nest Sjturday. A well known resident nnd citiz:n of tbis city was arrested tbis morniug on a cbaige of gross cbe.it. — It is reportcd that there were tbree ineetii.gs o{ prominent R<>ynlists LeU yesterday after-j noon. Tlie grass is still growing in many of tlio bouse-g«itters aud ou tbe sidewal.\8 of uiany Honolula streets. Tbc Governraent i'enple eon- i nected witb tbe Road Coard, will not bo able to pay tbeir raontb's reut tliis eveuing. No pay, Tno Execntive Coraraitte of tbe , Ab)ba Aiua is recoiving many Utters approving of tbeir publsbed uotice to Hawaiiaus. 0\sters are being p1ar>ted daily. by Manager Cann<ngbMiu, btue«tli tbe waistcoats of bis patrons in tbe sbape of exbilirat ing oocktails. What is tbe pay per day for eaeli of t!ie rt>gistrars of eleelion? Tliis is a qnestiou tbat sliould be i answered by tbe Secretiry of State. Rodgers. It is reported, on good «uthority, tliut orders have been seut to I tbe Portogneso inaneh »■{ the Aiu« lieaii (?) Lcagne fuibiddmg u.euibers to register. C»pt-iiu Timolhy Mnrr.iy and liis g mg of Leaguers are now ! bowed down witb grief uecause of tbe compulsory witbdmwid «>f their poliee authority. Tbe SLentzen club is “in it.” Mr Eiank Bnrnett, a jonrnalits from Belmont, Mauitoba, aud who bas bad a slinrt se.ison of 1 pleasnre in tbe Paradiso of tlie Pac:fic, will leave for bis home by tlio steamer Arawa. Mr J. H. Soper, of (he Hawaiian News Cu. aud nf tlie Provisioual Governmeut sbook the dnst ».f Hawaii froin his feet to d iv and sailed bv tl»e Australia to joiii his fauiily iu Sau Fraucisco. Mr J. H. Fishor receives an j »idd tion to his sal.iry of $100 by Ihe departure of Mr. Soper. This aiunuul coiues from the taxp«yers. many of wh< m have no iuo mo nt the pr«seiit, aithongh, Mr. F.sher bas two or Uit<re sources. : The Slar coraposib>rs, all white meu. have be?n rej)orted t<> bave beeu so b»dly trented by the Ihii* mnnngemeut that, it is also rwported. they will leave ia a body tou gl»t aiul, iuxy l>e. obtaiu situatiOU8 UU thfc Holomua. Star stockbo)ders are re(K»rted to be iu n'qnandary. It is pn> bable lhat a iueeti»g will l>e held this tveuing t«> |m.ss npon ils c«<ntiuued life orspeedy death. The foruier couditi n will require considernble assstance, tbe !atter. none. Somebo«ly forgot thenose'ves and triod to play an Apnl lst ji>ke. March 31st, on Sec4y Sh»tw. Seelv didu t scare n bit, but with an iutent to cany tbo j«ike further c.-»rrie«l the harmless gas-pi|>e to a dmg store to bave its stonu«cb pampe«l out, cierks wouhl not toucb it; but, Larsen tutv its stomaoh oot, «nd tbo c>nnterfeit pr«sentment, «f h dreadtd bouib. was foand to be fille«l witb &awdasL Tbe ttke saited tbo ‘T>*er beo«nae tbe i Au»tmlia was ltMving: m«v be tbe boml) was iu«nufactured io I ibu MMU VMJUlity.
| Tbe bftnd plsys tbn «fternoon at Emma Sqairu. ' The Mrpruitv Home loan U on.tbis aItern<K*n. — Sucday services nt tbe Makīki | batts to-morrow. i Don’t forget tlie chan’ty eon-1 cert tbis eveuing at tbe Opera House. ■ Take a ride orer the 0>*ba R(ilway. to E«ra PlantitioD. tomorrow. Tbe Asiatics are perfecting their Ie;«gnes. Tbe boycott still ! exists. Tomormw is “all fool’sday.” Tbere will be services in tbe j Central Union Cbarch. . • I Tbe old marshal is sick j ‘•H«udsorae Jack ’ is pa11ing well for the plaee; whoa, Smitb’ T!ie whale whieh stranded at Long Branch will be divided and a portion of it sent to 8ansSouci. tomorrow.