Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 75, 31 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — Hawaiian Hardware Company. [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Company.
Mir.!i 14 1894. Tlie f:ct 11:.11 b.t less tban one linpdred j> lunbcen Is8 l»y tbe H.waiiiU Government 1 <loes not ?; e.ik v. rvnes for tbe iuvent ve abilitv of t!;e res ilentj> « f tb!s c n: trv. Nor are all the i»ito-.ts to ..i,»ns, im ny of tbt-m. per!iaps a major;ty, nre morely t » people iu fbe Unitetl Statcs tvlu> \v;sb t<» proteet their intensts ull over the \vorltl. We liave had a p»tent issned for tlio Joues L<\cked Fence, becanse wc satv that it \vms a poo<l thing. an<1 tiie j>t’ople wlio bnihl ft-nces believetl it the best t!iiiigthey hadeverseen. Cert»in parties h.ul m contempl,«tion t!io mannfactnre of the ait cles • nse«l in tlie Loekeil Fence, au*l \ve »1.J not think th>»t ao imit »tiun article wonhl bo liaif as good as . t!ie orig u.il, henee, the patent on Hawaii. Wo h ve lieen selling the Joncs Locked Luaee for a year aiul its i.opnlarity is growing i every d :y. As an ev .Ionce of \vhat theFence is timught of by a gentlem.m \v!io is thoronghly well jiosted in cittle aml fences ! \ve pnblisb t;ie foI!o\ving letter: V “Kapapila Rmcb. Kau, H.iwaii, Murcb 10, 1894. E. K. Hendry, Fsq., Manager Hawaiiau Hirdware Co., Hono’.nlu. De;-.r Sir: I have jnsk completed some tbree milcs of t’ie ‘ Jones Loek ! Fence” aml rnust s >y tb.it I am 1 very mneli ple.is-d \vith it. ii; f ict it is //ie fence f<»r i rancli. I bad :ibout a inile t » constrnct over “piiboeboe” wbers it was nearlv j i iin;»ossib!e to gft a post down, aml fomul in this case, especiallv, tiie “J<mes fence ’ was a great s.iviug of 1 bor. There are places in tliis Fcnce \vli< re t!io po.sts are at le ist 7ō feet apai t ami tbe space l>et<veen filled in w tb 1 stags. Tbere is no sag to it. nnd it is as springy ;<s a \vire inattress. I am confi.lent tbat it will turn j an\’ ordinan stock. I bave so:ne two aud a ba!f mi!es iuore to constrnct ovcr a conntry w!iero wihl cit;lj are very plentiful. • uod as soon as it bas u:idergone ( , i tbe test tiiere. will wnte you fnrtlicr. If it will tnra t!ie stock on t!iis part of the Iand, au<l I feel coi.fiJent il will. yoa ean rest assnred tbat it will tarn mo-t anything, t-xcept a Lava flow. Verv Trn’v Yoors, - J. M0NSAIUlAT.” I i I Tbis sbould eoavinc3 tbe most skeptical; if tbare arejn:opIe wbo sti!l douut, lct tbc*m eom j to our storo and mspect a samj le. [*• . Tj3 B;im Har;ware !i, • - . Uu7 Furt btxeet