Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 74, 30 March 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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0 :bu eollep* field dnv. Amer:cat (") L ng >e meets toRaymond and Wi i:'oab toarisU left for tlie Volcano this ; ufternoon. Tbc- Ma4enity H< me ln;in takes i plnee to morr.>ir afternoon. Major W Iter » 8Ī.iging socīety | wi!l mntcra iz ) j.nd l:armoiiize to iuorrow eTec-ng. C<ptain MeNeill m-iy not retarn here as m-ster of the 8. G. Wilder. Tlie steamer Ansln'ia will sail for tbe Co st tomorrow at r.oon. Get yonr inail in early. Tho C A A 8 S C - k st<‘amcr Aravra i« dae htre on Suud..y next from the eolonie». Tbe bark Helen 13rewer New York h ‘S lost several of ber crew by descrti n. — Captain nnd Nfr, T.c T3 iHictpr tor»k for S-n p'-i-ie'weo yesterday by tbe S G. Wilder. 1 l«e 1v'rlcenfinps P’intcr nnd S G W i1der s <ilcd vest. i-f<->r ♦ lm with a tot«d of 30r!6. nrt." ’l>s • snpir. va!ned ri abnnt $100.000. Mr Tīnward Hitcl'coc1.’snaint irgs of tlm Volcano *■ f Kil inea. nnw on e\liili't<nri in t!ie windows nf the Pae fie TTirdware ('n. t attract considerab|p nttenlion. ~ Mi. nnd Nīrs !• T r r<ir r iftr were inv’ded in t’ie sanct fv of fhft?rlmme 1 •<sf ev n nlnpbv •» lnnd nf merrv-makers who m ide tli5nps bnm ’ti11 r>aef <]<o lio’ir wlien chnrchvard< yawn. A ” vr*jr Wpl not 1>rtrf fVip ♦ ito Jt emoillm r»f oarp nwr*y *■* tl n f»VO*<UAnt fo«i/» for dnv. f iU f>»>d rv* onp iiret*r A n. At Majpr Wolter*s P;toific 8i’nvn. Thft Sfnr , o cfnrv of thft eo'enno. •>« wr ffftn bv Afr. T;eicl> TT.. Trvirm, i« rev"'<l r 1 a» em»!le?>t sfrolcft nf ftnferpr"eft an<l mnst trnly charncter?st:ft t;f thō pnper. Tlie P>e>fic Afh1efift fthib a snftftessf’d rntr >neft into miUPe no< : cn bist ftvf>» "iip, !\ T :>n‘>ppr Wnsldnpton t!ift snaiT>ii" instrnft♦or will bs fo'ind to be eapih'o and aceomodatiiig. A P> inter. Times nm g ing to b» h nd. They »ro bard uow. I5y th t c\pression wo nieni th.<t Uie wape earners nre uot 5n a pos;t5oQ to s)>end thcir mnney >s freely as formerly dono h< re. The employ- ; ;nent strangers who havo uo «1<»ha forthis c n>ntry and who eonsider Hawaii as :i iuiiching eow out of whom the »vost b«.‘nefit shonld be taken, do not help our merchant.>» or denlers ubmg Wh >tever might be said ngainst tlie Ri>ya!ists eir.pl' yees. th« fact nmains th.it 1 .< y s)x-nt tiie:r meney liem. The treasurysuckers, und >r the p. g, siit down their s;iarei>f 1 1« <- t »X. p.-«yers inouey and sj»end it souiewbere else. Umler ih:s circiimsliUices it is worlhy of nuiiee th«t one i merchaut «t le..st iiuports and sells goods «t such « fignre that ean be iuet bv neariv evervbo«ly, Mn Chas Girdlek whose cffice 4 ; are on K uhumauu Street, iD.»y not l>e «n\ions to sell bīs gotnls at rttiii, bnl tbo eall of bis frtends aml ti»e d.iaands of his patrons h«ve boen so, tii.it be h.'.s throwa <>pen bis stock in huv qUrtiit.ties hn. 1 qnal.t>vs to Suīt tbe pohlie. TLe drcss g<Kxls opcned by Mr. Cbarles Gir«ller have Uv.»t bee» eqa.ilicd iie«e j The figJres at uliieh be selis tbeiu «»e s upns.ag tu ta:s t >wa. , If an\ boby wants lns w.fc or| drti'.ghter or, sb di wo s»y,gir1, well-dressed. tlie chanccs «ro tbere—but Uiev w<»n*{ b> theiv ; f »r maiiv d«ys t > eo’ii:. Wuu m \ W «4sr V--* *'Rsiubo«" »uit i