Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 74, 30 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

LABOR BD8EAU. TFIE AJ1EBICAN LEVCCE lcnve to anm'Onee tt-at it liasest*b islieil an E npl >vm j nt Bnre»n in connection \vit!i the Aioeiiean Leig ;a, We will l.e pleasvcl t > f ;rii;sii you \vit!i skilleil or nnskillecl lubor withovt any fee for tbo engtging sneb iabor. Tb« Jabor enr->lleil with ns is of tbe follo\ving n it.on.ilities; American, Portugueso, Hiwaiian. German, And otber E iropean X tiona!ities Beggmg letve to open a e rrespondeuce with yon oa tbis subject, We l emain, Your obed>eut seiv.tnts, The Americax Le.aoee EM!LmVMK.\T Bl*KEAU. Address all eomm- nie itious toTHEO. P. SEVERIN, Secretiry. mar 23-tf. P. O. B x 493. ZSToi ieeDnring n'y .ib«3r« frx>ai t'i«s K'ae'om, mj broiU»r LES POI of v - F - .-> s,, u \ « Hop Lung Ke»* at \V U >n ie. 0.«La, studl aei for 2:9 with fn'i powei of Ast.'roer. KWAI YCEK (A Waiaiue, Oahn. Mw. Sth. tS3L tstnx li-imo 'F0R SflLE. noLTs and filues by ‘ xrr '.koye~ U 2i2 oat of »icit nwe» >< •■S.Ikv’* 2 21 lri.-.! 2.11. *‘*Vrle' "HHi .wera- .Uui of “M's's Hrlknreen'22t, »n l *Suit > R 2.21, • I*to.lr 23t)->. "L*Jj P w .C au-.i otbi-r p-s»J huim, aūo. ••Dropjier ' papoīea» crcss bet—«n Se:Wr *nd.Poiuteri, thoMnsLbrfd on botu s;drs. B!ne Hcltoo K»gi>>b 9etter Bitcu “Mio iie X >bie." a pr.re vtaaer ia benca «ad hell. stei !y and #tnmca. X>> m,u hu » brtb-r tboi\xig!ihiV, Jen«T Bn|l, br ••Ua*’onl <4 *lJe**ejr Lime,"’ re<w*>rv.Ki. 3 oiLua Go«« tur f«jther paxWwti«r«, APPLI to a. eAEiwaioaii