Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 74, 30 March 1894 Edition 02 — Hawaiian Hardware Companv. [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Companv.
M*reh 14 1894. The f -ct th t br{ le>s than one fanpdred j\;»te::ts liave been'iss;:e<l hy t’;e Hawaiian Government d os Cut spcak \ 'i‘!i.ies 1 r t .0 5uvent ve al>i.ily of tiie re? Jents ..{ tfais c«>ui>trv. Nor are «II t; o ’ :«{0'.;ts ta Ilawaii.iU.- m nv «>f 1 • them. perfaapa a inajor ty, «re merely to pe>>j ie in tlie 1 nite»l States w!i>i wish t<> protect tfaeir inten sts ail over tfae world. "\Vo lmvo fa;ul a p .tcnt is>iu l f. r tlie Joncs L ckcd Fence. 1 b rnise we sa\v tbat it \v.is a g od tliing, and t!ie ]*• j>le wlio build feiioes bel:evcd it tlie bost tliin"tlu*v !iad ever seen. Cert*in O • 1 % pariics bad m e *iitempl;it;nn tho mannfactnre of the art cles nsed in the Locked l’enee. and wo dīd not lliink tli »t an imit.ition >rticle wouhl be baif as good as t!ie orig!nul, lieneo, t!ie p.itent 1 T " * ou Hawaii. \Ve h;.ve been selling the Jones Lf>cked Fer.ce for a year and its pop:darity is gro\ving every day. As an evsdence of 1 \vfaat theFence is t!ioug 1 it of bv a i geiitlftraan who is tfaor(?.ugh!y well j->osted in catt!o an l fencv‘- s vve pul>lisli tlie follo\ving Ietter: . I f i r y i r “Kapapala Rmch. Kau. II iwaii. M irch 10, 1894 ! ! . I • E. K. Heudry, E><p, 1 Manoger Hawuiian Hardware ! Co., Honolalu. Do >r S;r: I . 1 bave jnst comT>!ctO‘.i some three milcs of t ! ie ‘ Jones Loek Fence” and musts y tliat I am ! very mneh j»le:«s-«l \vith it. in f «ct ’ it is the fence f r 1 rancli. I faad about a mile t-> constrnct ovor “ “pahoelioo” wfaere it \vas nearly im[)ossi'ole to gct a post down, aad fouud in tfais case, especially, t!ie “J.>nes fence” wns a givat savingofl bor. Tfaereare ptaces in tliis Fenco where tl;e posfs are at least 75 feet npart and tiie space bttween filied ia with >tags. Tnere is no sag to it. acd it is as spr5iigy as a wire raattress. Iamconfilent t;iat it wi-l tarn ,\ny ordinan stock. I have some two and a faalf nides ra<>re to construct over a conntry where will c«tlle are very plentifal. and as soon as it has undergoue tbe test tiiere. will wnte voa fart!ier. If it will tnrn tfae stock on tfais part of tho land, and I | feel confivleut it will, yoa ean rest assnred tbat it will tnrn mot | an\tfaing, except a I>ava flow. { Very Tra’y Yoars, I. MOXSARRAT.” - ■ . - | TLi- sho ild coaviuce tfae most skeptical; if tfaere «repeople wfao stiil doat>(, iet tfaein eomo lo our stoxc atd :uspcct a āamplo. * | tte Hiwaiia Hardware Co.,