Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 74, 30 March 1894 Edition 02 — NOIICE FROM THE Hui Aloha Aina TO THE HAWAIIAN PEOPLE [ARTICLE]
AVfaerea3, tfae Prov r s'rnal Government pripr-ses t> eall a Constitutional Convenl5ou for t!»e pnrpose of preparing .1 uew Con<titution f>r the H>\v«>ian Is!»tnds, allowing only 18 deleg>tes {■•'• be clected t »it witii ti.e uow e!ected inembers of t.o presep,t Executivo nr.d Adr:- rv Conncils, wfa;cti faody c. r.>:>{> «>f uineteen i»cmbers wfa > h v,onld const!tute a m j >r.ty <.{ the proposod oonvent on, and tfaoref r-.* ab!e to «lefeat any \visbes of t’.ie H&waiinn Pei'ple. And wliereas it is further pro; <>sc.l to allow ;;ll fore ; gnors who were in t!:e eonntrv ou or before J <nnary lst, 94. tlie right <>f fr:incljise.;nid, whereas. eaeh dekg ite aud eaeli v *ter will be obligod to take an oatli derogatory to ifae dignity, tra<litions aiul antononiy of t : ie Hawaiian Nation wliieh is a el -«r violatiou of t!ieir Consti«utiona. riglits. T!;erefore, be it resolved th.tt we earue.-;tly leeommeiul ali memhers <>f tl.e “Hni Aloha Aiua’’ and all Hiwaiian sympathizers t > refrain from participating in tiio coramg e!ect:on for dologates to tlie j roposod Oimvention. And all ine(nbers . f t!ie “Hni Aloiia Aina” are especrally caiitioned ngainst taking anv of hlK 5 1 )td o.itf»s or tiking any |iart wfantever in the afor--meutioned e!ections, r.r joining : ;iDy of tlie cliibs started to pre ; pare tlie same, and frorn j.»iuirg ; in any acts \vliutēver attccting tfae Haw.aiian Matiou or poopl>-'s appeal now nnder consid rati< n l>efore tlie Execntive and L g.>lative antliority cf tlie Araericau Mat;o:i. By Osder. | (S : g.) Jas. K. Kaulia, Secretiry.