Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 74, 30 March 1894 Edition 02 — SHAME! Thurston'sBastard Hawaii [ARTICLE]
SHAME! Thurston'sBastard Hawaii
— Iho A<h(rt>-rr gr.t vcry liostile becRi:se tlie liulhiin qnote<l a |iriv.ih? ltlter in whieli the II i E\liil»it :»t tbe Mulwinter Fair v.:is severely criti»j<l. Tbe BuUt1in is »ble to <lo its pwn fipbtiiip~ai.il gener.illy eome» o«t on t-»p—bot we consiiler it oar . clnty to s;»v n few wunln ubont the iniserable atf.nr wb:cb per | 1; j»s vras ititemUd as an :ulvcr tisement ior Hnwaii antl has turr.e<l out to be fbe worst ail- ; vertihe;nent a()nln*t Ilawuii t!iat any <>f < or enoinie» eouhl <leaire \ Xbe HoL< mi’a g i\e lots of space and lots of ink tosbowtbe j>eoj»le bere tbat tbe Hawaiian Exbil» t wonkl be a fi:i«ncial fi/.z'o Mr. T. IV lluhioa wbo is tbe nt, if nol (lie j ronioter <>f tbe cum|»aiiy lli t c«<ii(liicts the H«wniiun Esbib t batl n grievance aiul n libei «uil ngainst lbeetl.tor of tb - pajK r :ind we conseqoent ly refraiiitd fix>m saying so inueli abmit tbo niatler as we really cng)tt to bave done in bonor to trulli a i (l jnst:ce. AVe did not dtsiie tl;ut onr crlticisin of tlie ScamlaiOQS aflair sboultl look as ii st gated l y j>ersonal feelings or >-j>iie ngninst Mr. Hobron. Nk-w tbo Fair has gone on aml il b:.s j rovt n ns a wliole a niiser«blo fai’nre. xt to tlie Fp\j t;an fak( —wli eli was closed in ban ! ni| tcy, ni<tbing bas apjmiacb< (l tbe ‘'Hawaiian Village” in its :ilteni)it ■ f becoming au unmitigated swimllo. "\Vo ilo not Iist< n (o bcars iy or to j»iejtuliced m uleueo. A\ u buve inqnireil from v!.:iVr< nt j»eo|>le wlio bave visited tbc F«ii; j»eople of d.tferent poO'MUO o£ wiiO worsbip TbnrstoQ and Hobron and somo wbo don’t. but, tbe nnswcr from all is t!mt tbo H«waiian E\bib ( is a blot on the fa r namo of onr Island Home, a Kcaiul.il t > t!io men and women who eall tbis conntrv tbeirown au 1 n d:sgrace to tbe men who for tbe:r sclfisb enda e\bibited Ha w.iii ns a "nimllioio inbabited by stomacb-iiancing struiQ)>ets The gr<nd fe itnre of the Hawai ian E\bibit is tbe Imla. Thal (laueo is forbiddon bero tlironpb tbe laws passed by tbe f.itbers of Tburston aiul coinpany. Tbe vilencs' of it ii is beeu used as « cause for t!io late revolntion, «ltbongb evcnbody knows that Qaeen Liliuoknlani never toler.ited i hal i insido tbo Palaee or insulo her j>rivate res dences. Tbe boat bouse linlas of Kalak uia, ab»nt whieli wo hear so innoli, were resj>ect.ible in eom-1 )v\rsion witb tbosc exhibitetl by I I. rrin A. lburst<>n. tbe Hawaii>n Miaister to Wasbiugtou at tbe Midvinter Fair. The vt-ry vrorst sj*ecimens of Hiwaiian \vom.tnbood b.ive been 6e'.t-oted t» <b> tbis perfor:nance coudcnmed io often bv our im- | iiK'.culato m hsionaiy rnloi-s Women who b ive spent niost of tbeir lime in tae |>olice-cells in lionolnlu ou cbarges of dmnk aud disorderlv conduct. bave been | cboscn by Mr. Thnrston t> re presc:it"life iu Hiwiii.” Women w bo m.-ule n sj>eciaiity cf dancing nude before tbe oilers aud w iiters of «ny tramp stt*amer toucbing Uoaolulu ur« e illel forw «rd aad preseuted bcfore an Ameriean j>nblic as rej>reseating Haw.iii nei. Aud by whoiu? By tiiat gre;it And good patriot who dmws ?6,00i) a ye,ir —aud travelliog eipenses —for the j>nrpose of u»is- ■ , representing H.iwaii «ud may be ; manyiog bis cashier. A mudbole ] witbaboat ten gdioos of water it ] in «n,l n eanoa is lube!ied as | “Waikiki.” Bamboo sticks re-. | prcsent cocoaaut trees aod t baaan« sulksand sugarcaue. Tbe < E\lubtt is ii disgrace. Aud, worso j tb«o nī), tlie uu(oituu<ite wemou { j wbo were induucd by Mr. Tuurs < ton to go iLem fur tbo purposo uf y haii>is§ ī»ub Inkiai iiui *'
rr a nre tre ted by t’:e rgent of tl»nt Cbrist-nD [*) p-Bt!ea»-»n like cittle. Thev :«rt Iicnstd b »dly. fed lj.»d!j' sr.d c.< tkc»l b <dh'. Ooe of them is ii» the Iar*e tiirocs cf .- g tv ficm paeamoni » »L le tLe Lu!a g.rls iiLver e\; cct to reti;rn here alive. Arrosted and pat into j»i. L.-16 btec tbe ouly re!ief tb ttbesenufurtanate woroenbnve h«d. They dauce eveiy twenty ininr.tcs. and tvea on ?iSWT8 does the v.rtuons arob.iSsador of Huwnii force these miser<ble prost.t:;tes t» j-h<;w pablicly tbe d >gr»ce ot ILiuaii. Bnt. Agent Hobrcn gra»les tbe vileness uf thcse w< men. He stated taut only a Jill.D HLLA wonld be allowcd. Great Scot*.! !■ t vi!li:iny. Tho dunce < f whieh we are :ishamed. Tl»e dance t.-iboced bv the eh ;rch peoj>le <>f Huwaii. :he d;iDce ti::it or.r mission.ny lx»vs ci»se t'i<-ir eycs to (sind Io»k :<t t!irough t!i< ir fiitgers) is gr:uled by Mr. Ti.ur-ton :iiid his Ier< w J! A n:. i<1hn! a! Foisooth ’. w0 are not virtaoas nor do we nonrisli nuy especial aml»ition toiget rhenm:itism by patting any p irt of < i:r b ly ou n darop bnt hc.i\eiily rainbow, bnt we wou d 1«‘ atterlv and total!v ashan»ed * \i we even hn<I lent o r n:tme <>r i uur counten:ince t» (he disgrace fni :iff.«irtlie “Haw āianViII :ge ;<t the Midvviuter Fair. —>