Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 74, 30 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Thj E Aiiheuser-I3usch Brewiii2: Co. Win i'.aī I?pize *t the WorlcTs with their 3iiACxL l'i !Braud JJeer. St. Lori>. Oct 28. 1893. Maoeaklane & Co., L’d , Honololu. H. I. Dtt ir Sirs: —We iiave maileii yon a copy of tiie Glof*-Dfhioerat annoeuein" tlie great vietorv won by tiie ĀxhetsEE-Blsh AssociaiION with tlieir *‘EACrLE " Braud of Beer. [Signeii] A>BEUSEK-EUSH BEWLSG ASSOCIATION. k & A*. 8? & & X' T5 9, =2 ■V //. & & IV tSc 5 m ■ _E2i' onlering this Beer be snre to ask for the “EAOLE Brand. A:Iacfarlane Co., / M r. U- 2rad. *> % , —, . A<fent* fi>r Huwniiun Inlunila. AT THE CLUB STABLES. U CREOLE,” 21,702. Race Record: Fourlli Heat 2:15. Mad0 at Stockton, Cal. Sept. 23, 1893. Siro Ptr>mi'ter. 2,305. bv Pl- eBall. T >: D.tm. Grace. by Bnrcaneer. 2,650. Promp»er i s elwi the Sire i>f Ai'M. 2:26; Tr»n«it, 2:261; Walker, 2:2.G; "ales 2:271; Lhie.i. 2 -4; nd , f tbe D..ms l , rilhaiitiiie, 2:17 anii Vip>r, 2:2S. “Creolb w »et hUek. one hmd ; rhite f ot nml nmnll str ( K- m f-ce. AVei«ht, l.OŌO poumla; i» verr stvhsh. gentle, u ( -,K>d pr..dncer ■.«.! .. e.une r»ce l orse, Will stnn.l f-r a limitcd nomber ol m..rea at •TFTV (..ōOī DOLl.AKSFOBTUESi:ASON t piTtthle at time of aemee. rhis hune , ias bred iu 18112 to forty-six tn..res an-l produeed forty-two c.>.ts. fcb 17-lm 13 M DAV1H. 0R1)WAT t P0RTER. Robinsc>n Dhek, Hotel St., helween Fort and Nuuanu, r.ve r«ovd.]«r JiWnb‘'t 1 e 11 if«f< iU el tf FUB M1UEE Evcr lrorntcd to t’ is Cn:ntry. Cotn| ritii;g īa ndsoms Carved Bedroom Ssts ln Solitl Oak, andof tke LATESTDESIGSS. ESPEC1AL ATTEKT10N 1S CALLED T0THESE SETS: KTīCK.E5H- ware» Beaut f»l D s gns « f Wick-r htc. con 8 i-st ng of 3F\S CH\1HS, H0CKERS. etc., vou ean get these m »n> FIMSH vou <lesire CHAIRS, yuntlessm>.mbersof CUAIRS. in everv 8t> le, indad.ng 0Fr ICL niid HIGI1 CHAlLb. HXXX ! T;SXT£X03Sr TABLj=-3, ■e bave l.ad a uu.uber of calls for these Tabh*s. with CHAIRS t. raateh. We hnm now in stock the raost BEfiUTIFUL DINING R30M FURNITURE EVER SEES HERE 5ideboards and -:- Chiffoniers rr X3 IVA 3NT S» - *«s t.MCOTcml W-th rORTlERSare becoming qnite the «ge »n re of LOUSGES we ra .nnfacture inem to onler, aml ba e a pe stock of PORTIEBS to sel ct frora. DX2STGe t Assorlmento(WOTB\ WIKE MApRESSES-Sp T ing. Hor ss, Wnol and Straw M.(ttres-. s ou b*nd a. d m*de U> or.ler VE GEFSK*FEATHERS >s d SlLh. FLObb f -r P.l ow!,. CRIBS. C1U0LES. e»e. W1SD0W SHADES of all colors anel s:z *• COR v!CE PObES. in wo,»l or br ss tn>nnuogs. I 23 X <3r. UressM , .ni »11 C.4»l»t««d F»ru,l» re «pai.ea . r aso mble r. W». , BISET MAKIN’O. in a» its braucbes by Oompene- I UTISG LA ! D *i>a Int rior Decor ti- g a ider tbe s ou e . GE0RGE ORDWAT. . .. , , » r , m O.u (io.»ts re F rst Ci as. »n.l nr I>r:ces are t e iow. .->t Com 1 e nviue» , a— a tri l »8 l ctel , nJ _ Bc 1 Ō2". TKLF.Pt! N’7S- *»’ , t «»• ‘l'JDWaY a POKIEii, b.m»ou ii.uek. i». ioiluuU .vuoaw