Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 74, 30 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
33usiness Cards THOMAS LINDSAY }īannfacturing Jewelei uml Watckmaker, MclDernv BtocV. ■Wlō Fort St.. līnnoinln. MEKCHAM S EXCHANGE. 8. I. SHA\V.’Pkoprietob, CHOICE LĪQUORS and F1NE BEER, Corner of King and Nunanu Sts., Mutual Tel. 423. Honolnhi. BRUCE£A.J. CARTWR'QHT Busincst of n Fidnci«rv N.ilune Tr-ns;icted. Pronipt »ttention Riven to the mmnipemenl of Estites, 'Gnnrdi.ir.shii s, Tmsls, etc.. etc., etc. Ojfic/*, : Cniiwriff/.f Bn!hhng.\ Merchanf Streot. Honolulu. H. LOSJh. Xotarv CoUector cmd Geuernl Busincss\ Agent. J x ntentce of I.osf.’s Chfmical Compoind for Clarifying Cane Juicc. Sub-Agcnt for scveral of ihe Bcst FIRE INSURAXCE COS. Mutnal l'elepUone ». P. 0. Eos 33S. 5Terchnnt street. Ilonohiln. City5aMeat Oppo. Queen Emnia Hall, Esta bl isbed Jl SS3. J0S. TINKER, I bUtcHef^ Maker ofthe Cckbrated Cambridge Pcrx Sajsage ! Tbv Them. Moat Ddivereil to Anv Part of tue City aml Suburbs, tfutual Telenhone Number 28?. INTER-ISLAKD P!LCT/CE. Cait. WILLIAM DAVIES, — FOR THE Past TVVELVE YEARS in eomm.mil aa lnter lslaml Steamers, o3Vrs hia semces of LOT to any port or lantUug in t!ie Hawaiian Islands. Rest of references, inqnire »t office of J. S. Walkeh orer Spreckd’s lxnk, or \Vr okt Bro»., Fort Street. feb 1 4—tf. T.H.Davies&Co KAAHUMANU ST., Honolulu. : : 3d. 1. GENERAL and Commission Merchants — AND — SUGAR FACTORS. AGFNTS FOR L!ords;— Lr;ush ud Foreiga Manne Instu «nf» Cobi(Ruj. L'njited. JCorthem A«sar» .c« Co, tire & li!< PwiMt Līne ol Paekeia fruni L!' erpool. Line of Puckcts. s emliai Paci8c Hiiiai Cc. Caiafciatiali;a Steaisli.i ū bvu»oi Crnc : Ti*« AB»0«d iLAS