Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 74, 30 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
liationaI Ipon Wor$ Qvcrs SrBrrr, Alaken & Eichard Sta, Tnr «« »o ~tke rQ sirds ot Iroa Bra3s, Brcn2e. 2jnc. Tin Lea>i C«« AUo * fr)wnl H*pdr S*i<'p for Eeeoe»K)C* UilK Ccrn M:Qs, W*ter VTbeeb. 'VisJ Mi2«, »b. HaeMaee K>r th* Ck*ning oi Co£Fer. Casior Oil*. Beass, S*sue, &»*!,. PixtJ*ppk L«res i o;her Fibroas PUnt«. And Pii'ei Stock AKo \L»chin« for Estr»cting Sttrrh fro* the Manioe, Arrow Boot, itc. fy jt.ll Oni«r» pn>»ptlr to. A'HIĪE. RITMAN <f\ CO. THE Provisional GovennneBt OFFICĪAL LIST 0F ME.'I BERS AND LOCATION 0F BDREACS. E.tEcrrm Cocxcil. ?. B. Wf, Pr~.M*nt of tl“ FV>Tislon>i' Owrnrr<»nt «f th» l|s>nill«!i I»l.-ia't'. »nJ * tnwter nf Forrle , i ,*filn. J. A. Kht. %fini«ter f th- In!er> 'r. .« \i pimoi). Vhl!it»r<'( P’’’n«. \V. 6. <mitti, Att. ri!<y-oeuen»I-Advtsohy CorxcrL. W. C. tVTM*r, VJee-PreeMent n( the Pmvisioc«l (V'imniPlit of the K«wait“n Tsl«mt«. (. John Fir*"rtnth. Cerll BpM, E ,v J F7.r h V'^ n r.Vu^l: Jns. P. Vo"'l 'nC". C'hits. T. Ro<Jrer.», Seemt«ry CouaclIs. Ex. •n4 Adr SVPREME C0CHT. ITon. A. F. I'kIH. Phi' f ln«tieo. Hon. R- F. RioVertnn. Flr«t '»«001*10 JnstJco. i'on. \V. F. Fre t. • i oo>»n,! As»« i<!e Justlce. Hcnrv Smlt". i hlof ClorV. Gon. I.no s, Depnty C!erk. C F. Potors T..Ser n<l Des"itr C!erk. J. \VaItor Jcnes, 5teaocr.ipher. Cikccit Jcdge5. First Circnlt: |'' f. iHhn S<isin<1 Ou'l: (Mon )A. X. Kopnik»!. Th-r<tsn.l FnurthCiro' 't,« (:U«r«tt)S. UAustln Flfth Circnit: (Kau»l)>. Ii«n)y. 0(fte‘« ">'<1 Cnnrt-moin In Conrt Hmn*. Klne «!rc 1. Slttlnic ii II m<'lnln “Tht* tir«t M.v>d»y tn Febm*ry. M«y, August aud Ni eember. l)xrAr.T»EKT or Foreigx aff\irs. Olheein C«pitot Bnl>d|-f. KIng •tr< , et. Hl« Excr1I-ney 5at.f >rd !t. Uo.o, Miu:«ter o( Forei*n Aff..ir«. Go>\. C. Potter. Porret'ry. W. Hor»ce \Vris?!it, Liouel IIart. Clerks» PEPjkRTJIE.Vr<>r IXTKEkHtOffiee In Exe«utiTe Bui;.ling, Kln* s(reot. 1X1« F,xeolIet:ev J. A. Kln*. M'nl»tcr of lnter!or. Chief Cler«. Juh 1 A. H-«s ng"T. As»ist«.it Clort«' J»nu« U. lloyd, M. K KoohnKnloio. Stophen Uahaulu. Ueor*e C. Hoss, Edw-rd S. Boy<L Bcr£ai.’ or Aceicclicex *.vd FoE£«T«r, Pros'.’.ent: IIi« ExoelIoncr t* , e Min‘ster o( Intermr. Wn. G lnrīn. Al!«n Herbort, Joh» Eu«. J ««opU U >r»deu, Commi»aiouer «nd Seereuirjr. Cmxrs or Bcbxac». I.tterjob nEP*RTXE.vr. 8urToy<'r-Goner«l. W. D. A’ex«r,dor. Snpt. PnM e WVrfc«. W. E. R«« rlu 8npt. W«trr WVrk*. Andre«r Brown. īnsp»vtor. E ! octrie Ught«, John <v»«ldy. R. icl»tr»r < (C uT<?T«i.re*. T. <>. Thrtim. Hmol Suj.erTi»,'r. H n»ln n, W’. H Cummlif». Ch ef Engine>r Fire Lieol.. J««. H. HunU Supt. Ineaue Asyium, Dr. A. JkcW«yne. Pep**tmext orFix*xt t. Offlce, Exeentlve Buil<!inc. King »tre*t, Mlnister of nn«nee. HU Exc«:i«ncy 9- M. P<mnn. Andit<’r-Gener»l, Goenre J. R<««. Resi'tr r of Arc ;unt», W. G. A«h!ey. Oerk of Finai.ce OI»ee. E. A. Mclnemy. Col eetor->"-ueral of Cu»lotn. J ». B. C«»t>. T»x Aw>«ir, 0«bu, J me. « ' ». l)opnty T«x A«se«s< r. W. C. Wee<lon. Po»tn.»i>U;r-Geuer«l, J. Mort 0.1, CC»TO*« BCRX*C. Oflice, Cn«tom Uot«e. E«pUn»<lv, Fort »tre«t. Coileeto* Gencn ! . J '«- B. ('»*' ’.o. Drpnty-Co' eel r F. ». Mt-<t eker. H > rborn.««ter, Capi«tn A, Fuller. Port 3nrveyor, M. K a .nder«. SU,rekecp«r. G«orge C. .itratemeyer. DEP*KTHEyT or ATTORXET-Gr.'<ER*L. 0ffl.ee In ExeeutlTe BuIMlus?. Kiaf «tree». Attomov G«ner«T, W. O. ?mltn Deputy 'Atw>mey.Geocr«I, G. K. Wi;der. Clcrk, J. M. Ke«. Marsh«l. E. G. HHeheoek. Cl» rk to M r«hol. H. M. Do». Depot> M«r»h*l. Artbur M. Brown. J«!lor O-hn Prl«on. J. A. Low. I*Tison Pbj*icLin, Dr. C. B. < ocper. BO*EI> or I**IūR*TIOX. Pre«id»nt, n !« ExceHenev J. A. Kln*. Uember <>f the Bo»nlof Immi*n«tlon; •<on. J. B. Atherton. J«». B. c*»tl«. Hon.*A. 9. eineu ro, J«mes G. 5peueer, t Robin»>n. Secretary, Wr*j T»y!or. Bo*ra or He*lth. Offlce In Eronnd» of Conrt Hoo«e BalMlnf, eom«T of Mililaal «ad Qaaen Unen. >er* Dr, P«r, Dr. Dr. ' ndrew», J. T. «terh«<i»* Jr.. John Eae, Tbeo. F. L*c*iOf m) Attomey <ercer»I Smith. Ieat—hou. W. O Smith. jtrv—Cha«- W 2eox. stive GOcer —C. B. ReyaoM». . ctor « ’d H« ol G«rt«fe 5erTtce*L. Lm Piene. ct< r—G. W. C. Jone«. >hTslci* . Dr.G. B. Andrew», r*«rT. Dr M. W. HowanL setisemedt. Dr. B. K. Out«i. Bū*rs or Eurc*nos. Coort Housc BnUd!n«, Kln« streeu Pre*!dent, CT oo. CR- 3Uhop. necTct<«rT. W, J»a>e» Smil'.. Ju*ptc;.r of aehao’k, A. T. Alkiaaon. Dismcx Coc«T. PMiee 5Utioa BulMlua, Utreh»at UuM A. o. U. Bobm»ca,» J&at* A. Ikomiaua. C&x«