Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 73, 29 Malaki 1894 — NOTICE FROM THE Hui Aloha Aina TO THE HAWAIIAN PEOPLE [ARTICLE]
■\Vhereas. the PrcTisior.nl Governtnent pr>pcs<s to eall a Con>titntional Conve»iti u for ti>e purpose of preparing a new Constitution for tbe Hawaiian I-laml?. al!owing on’v 13 deleg tes to be elected to sit with the 1 now e!ected members of the t>resent Execntivo and Advi- rv » • • Oonncils, whieh Lody consists of mneteen roembers whieh wou!J constitnte a majority oi the pr«v jiosed convent:on, aud tueref»re able to defeat anv wishes of tlie Hnwaiian People. Ar.d whereas 1 it is further proi>osed to allow all | . 1 * 1 foreigners who were in the eonntrv ou or bef re J.maary l-t. 94, ! the right of francbise,and, where- ! as, eaeh delegate aud eaeh v ter > will be obligcd to <■ tke an oatb derogitory to the dignity, tradii tions and nctonomy of the Huwaiian Matit>n whieh is a clear , violatiou of tbeir Constitutiona. rights. Therefore, be it resolved tbat we earnestly recommeud all i meml)ers of ti.e “Hui Aloha Aiua ’ and all Haw iiian sympa1 tbizsrs t > refrain from participaling in tbe coming electiou for delegates to tbe j roj>osed eon- ; vention. And all members of tbe l “Hui Aloha Ainu” are especially ; cautioned against t iking any of the prescribed oaths or taking , any part whatever in the aforementiontd elections, f>r j >ining atiy of the clubs started to jire pare the same, aml from joiuing in any acts whatever affecting tiie Hawaiinu 2s'titiou or people’s apj>eal now mider coDsideration , beforo tlie Executive and Legis- ; Kitive authority of the American e Matiou. -; Bv 0<&)er. 1 (Sig.) Jas. K. Kaulia, Secret;ir%'.