Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 73, 29 March 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
To Ttny£. for cven one moicent, thst the sacrtd tair.es of soaie of our be-t n»issi. cary rv|.reeenla- ' livcs woukl be dr •gc*-d btf«:*re ;Jl e |ublie gr»ze ;.s poiiieep* : .71*1)11« in fcrtlitring the exhibi t on cf thc* lieeuiiooa Lnia. is t nongh to cause the Holoxua. and tLose wboso cause it represects. to retire witb bowed be .ds ■in sorrow to their holes. Thnt tbe mis.-ior.arv elcment alwavs have a move on where the dollar is e r.cerned ;s well-known, bnt this glaring inconsistency. Oh, | mU, !>ave us' — Tue Oracle has nct yet sp<>ken iu regard to “handsome’’ Jack, but may th;s afernoon in tbe ex»*cut.ve s« >sion of the counciIs when ean h;ive a privat e -ay in iiompatiy \vith il 'W Sara, d;d fool the Leagoe! •noo and ccsts is hardlv too inueh to get one’s pictnre into the sicred coiumns of the AJi vt iii*er.