Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 73, 29 March 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
Peakls o£ sacctity rolletl froiu | tbo pen of the Siar editor yesterday in Lis article on Sunday concerts. We hope neverthelcss that- the concerts will not fce ’ “sacrcd.” 5f by that \vord is iueant ouly ‘•cburch-music.'’ i The excellent taste of Professor Bcrgcr will guarantee a suitable j and )>opu)ar programme and I while, it is to be hoped, he w:ll . loave out “After the ball." aml j other profauo music, he will also «llow “Xearor niy God to I thee,” to be eouiineil to its pro- j |H?r precints aud projK»r spheres —iuside the j>ortals of the Cen- i tral Uniou. j ( A combination o£ disgruntled ei-Reform —Royalists is makinp ; an attempt to pet the leadiup : ' striups of the Ha\vaiians iuto \ 1 their hands. A bull lct in to a ehina shop is a side sho\v in eom ' parison to tho havoc whieh occors j 1 occasionally in tbeir eamp. The effect of the decision, by * thecourt in the p. g. vs Xorrie 1 case for allepeii attempt to j 1 seduce prospective followers of j £ the p. g. from their expected, in c the unknown future, allepianee . to that j>ower, Las been, to say, t the least, to cause good humor t amongst all parties concerncd. ( v The l«ugh is uuiversal aud he j e generally is regarded as most r hearty in the meriment, who j t lacgh» laet. j a