Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 73, 29 Malaki 1894 — FRIENDS TO THE P. C. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


With iN’either Wit nor Wsdom — It is -well worth reading the gpeeches of the Hepuhiiean 1 SenatorsonIIawaii Tliey are hon(rablo geutkrnen who exprei-s thtraselve8 andcannotbe accased of lying, we prosame, orof wilfully j ini-statmg facts, but will Lave to • lje excosed on aeeoanl of the wrong inforraation given to them ; by p:'iiis,ir.8 of the P. G., whoin they, for their own porposes. be- j lievtd in itnp’.ic ty. We have : l)i fore u« the st>etch of Seuat )r i W. F. F rye of Maiue, who \vas the Ieading sj>eaker on the Hawaiian question iu the de- i fense < f the Elaine— Stevens— Hole combinatiou. TLe inaecuracios—to say the least-dis-pl ivtd by the Seuator, and the ignor:mce whieh he exhibits iu rtgird to H .waiian affairs are really astouuding. We select a few of his rtmarks at ramloiu nml we eouhl XII1 colurans if \u considertd his wr.mg statoraents of sufficient impoilaneo to have thera reproduced. Look nt this: “He (Blonnt) wont to Antone Ilos:i nnd Antoue Hosa told hira thrtt wheu the proclaraution was read frora the steps of the government buihliug the ūnited i States troops \vere paradtd in frout with eannon uud arms, aud Mr. Blouut kuew, when Hosi told him thut, that thcre was nola l'nite<l Slafes inarine in sigl<l. Yet ho fiuds truth with Anloue Hosa 1” So speaks this sraa11 Frye frora Maine. Wo do not hlaiuo the poor daffei becaase he doesu’t know any better, but \ve have « verv distinct aml verv correct • ~ I opinion of Iho men like Thurston 1 and AIexander who primed the senator and who made him ap- ( pear as a coraraon-every-day liar. j By the wav, it wouhl bo of intcrcst, if Profcsser Alexander of the Hawaiiau University (sic!) \vhatevor that may be, \vouid uow explain some of the outrageous stories whieh ho dished up to tbe Souate eommiUee nnd about whieh he said after his returu I here that “of courso everything | rcported as coming frora him \v;is not accurato although the iuniu points were.” Shall we reproducc somo of the inain points for i the spic al beuefit of the Proft>- ' sor »nd his gullible Washiugton audience?