Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 73, 29 March 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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.*:V cl ve rt i sements CEMENT $DEwJ(Ll$ A5D Qnu}ite dui , !]ing Laid. EstimaUs giveuT>n all kintls of StonB, Coi]crBt2 T pla^ei 1 U/oi^ C >SCBETE A Sl’ lvr TY. J\C. F !30Wi.r K. jai»17 3ai CHA3. CIRDIE;ī, Importer aoil Merchant. SPE<TA1 TIES: J. .t P, C.»hN' M leiiioe T! r» »<i Jo<uvs I»r.n k>’ Mieh’n»* Thm I B.irbonr’? Liae j Th:ead Pe irs' S”.ip P. O. ltox A’iS. Mntn.il F . p’aone 396 13 Knuhnm.mn Stn?e». LEWIS & CP.. ftho!esa!e and Retail Grocers ASD PROVISION ;DEALERS.| 9 . , FRESR CALIFORNI.V SALM0N ONICE By Every 8,in Fimncisoo Steamcr. Salt Salito\ ix Bap.uels a Specialty. iii Forl St., Honolulu. Tel. 240, P. ū. Dox 29 j. Anchor-:-Saloon ‘ ' Ex “AUSTRALIA,” Another Invoice of the World KenowneO FREDERICKSBURG LAGER BEER Oa tlranght and by tbe keg. » Also. as a Specialty, E . Small Fresh California 0YSTERS. FOH COCKTA1LS ,! fc22 Im Long Branch BATHING * Establishment. Tbis Firsi-class Bathing Resort has been enlarged and is now open to tbe pnhlie. It is the be»t p’aee on the islands to enjoy a bath and there is no better plaee to lay 08. Special aeeomm<»datioas (or Ladies. Tramcars 1. pass the door every balt hour and on Satordiys aud Snndays every fifleen minotes. O. J. SHERWOOD o Prupiietor.