Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 73, 29 Malaki 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Again in Town! New Heoitations, >Te\v lnstrumental aiul Band Selections The Latest an»l Be?t received by the steamer Monowai, are now on exhibit;on at the Popu!ar Phonograph Parlors, ArIington Block. Hotel Street. Dou’t mistake the Location. felO Criterion Saloon PFB AUSTRALIA, another Invoice of the celebrated JOHN WEILANO PALE ei LACjEF^ BEER, Also. a Fbesb Lwoie* of C/\LlpOF^Nl/\ oysjE^s OySJE^ C0CKJ\lL5 L. H. DEE, Proprictor. WM. DAVIES, Rigger, Stevedore ASf> "W recker. E-STIMATES AXD COXTBACT8 OX* ALL KIXDS OF WOBK. The Schoooner MAHIMAHI. will nn rvgnL<Hy U»m port an'I Knoilupai, Moknln, Keawenni •oH K'uki »n thc :aht!u) of 0«hs Foi Ffvight, e!c , app!jr to tfae Capt«ixi. Be.-«t of Reforences —Tnqaire at Offic* of J. S. Walk *r. ov r Spreck»-ls’ Ba<ik. or Wright Bro« Fort Stnet. Aee KW0RC SIh T G CH0NG L C0. Coa.txa.ctcx 6z Siaild.ex Painting, *fec. We also keep on hand Sēdsteads, Mattrassēs, Taslēs. 8ookcasēs MfRR0R3 Etc„ Aī THĒ LOWEST UARKĒT PRlCES * Noj -1G K.iiig st.. Houoiuia de4 3m