Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 73, 29 Malaki 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
TLe l>oycott of tbe Chineso *s ! still on. Tbe weatber being pleasant. tbe Leagne flag is flying. — Mi&sionary meeting this evening at Central Union Chnrch. i ‘*The Pilgrim Fathers” will be lectured on tomorrow erening. Hawaiian stamps. of the older issues, are yet quite plentifol in town. l)on’t forget next Saturday’s luan in aid of the Maternity Home. Tbe Austr.ilia wi!I leave for the coast at nooasharp t on Saturdny next. There have been a few uuheralded changes in the Customs department. It is a p!easuro to state tbat 1 “H»y” Wodehouse is recovering healih and strength. ■— - Tbe Japanese man-of—war Naniwa will, very probably, set sail for J.ipau to-morrow. Gross is growing in many of tiie store gutters, streets and sidewalks of tbe city. It is predicted tbat tbere will be a “merry war" at the next meetiug of tbo Ijeagne. • Registration is progressing very slowly. Tbe “people” dou’t c.mie up as quickly as desired. Mr. W. M. Giflards pamphlel ou Hawaiian stamps, is in mucb demand iu 8 iu Francisco. The healtb of Mr. Walter Hill, tbe ex postmaster geueral, is 1 reported to be again pooriy. The barkentin.es Plauter aml ! S. G. Wilder are oflto morro\v on auother oeeuu race to Frisco. — The pineapple district in aud around Pearl city is reported to be in a most flonrishing eomlitiou. — Tlie representatives (?) of the wealth aud iutelligence of the conimunity, mcet in the Councils tbis afternoon. There will be anotber boxiug touruament in the ne«r future whieh will be filled with iuterestiug events. The Japanese. from thesteamer Aikoku Marc are being dtstribu- i ted amongst various p!autations i and Jnpanese Hotels. The Australia s list of diparting passengers is l»eiug daily cadded i <o. A re\ised list will be published iu the Holomi a to-morrow. The Fort street sohooi-house is reported to be continually ; used eVeuings as a plaee of meeting for Ihe Portuguese Leagne. The white compositors on the | Slar are expacted to be soon eomj pelled to eurol their nameson the mp!oymeut boaid of the League. Mr. Leigh H. Irviue’s l.»bors in Hawaii will soon emne to au | eud as he intends to take passage for the Coast by the uext through j steamer. The Tiser h*d on cxecellent like noss of the Holomla editor this moruing. It reflceted credit npon the artist aud tue enterpr:sō of 1 he paper. ■ ■■ Tho VoIcano of Kilanea is 1 reportod to l»e in au exlraordin- j ary active state. Wilder S. S Co miy arrange for au excursion : thither, by their route, in the near futnre. The bril)iautiy iilumiuated in terior of the buildiug situateil ou tbe soutb-east corner of King nud Nuuanu streets, attructed a large crowd lnst evening aad the , eleeliieal disp!ay was mueh ad : iuired. The exh;b.tiou will be repe«ted evt-n’ erening tb:s, aud , uext week, except Suuday. Small ] eau *ucbor eloao iu.
Tbe stockho!ders of tbe Honorau Sugir Co. roet this morniag to araend the corporation bvlaws. — ' .. OipUia MeNeil wi!l Uke a number of passengcrs with him to tbe Coast īn the S. G. Wilder, tomoiTJw. ■ - - And now the SchnetZ5n Clnb j are getting into grace in o$cial ( circles, many appoictmeuts falling to its Iot latelv. ' The prospects point, unfortu- ■ nately, to the pn.»bable nondeliveiy of Mrs. Gans’ illustrated on London. 1 Snndiy ban 1 concerts now occupv tbe attention of tbe Macs and Tims anel also of the great majority of the 8mit!is. - — The athletes of the diamond field are themselve in placings practice. coming base-ball season promises to be interesting. i Lawn tenn:s players and all interested in the game, are requested to meet this evening at the Arlinglon Hoase for business. ( Dealers in foreiga coins who desirc to make a good speculation shouid eall oa Major Wolter’s at the Pacific 8aloon and examine ' his speeimens. Tho Hawaiian Tramwavs Co, have added a capacious rooray bns’ to their o; position line. Throe in haud is the kiud of a teain whieh draws it. The Oahu C llege stu leuts will 1 ' indulge in field sports tomorrow nfteraoon. N'o notice was given to tlie Holomla or the honr of j coraraencement would havo been mentioned. A “pineapple cocktail, , ■ now and then, Will not hnrt the most temperate men. It smooths the wriukles of care away And is an excellent tonic for every day. Coll and get one prttty sor.n, At Major Wolter's Paeilie Saloon. The weaUiei- today, is, as nsual : iu exact koeping with the general elimaie of tlie Paradise of the Pacific. Wind 1 ight. N. E , sky filled with tioecv, slow-moving | - clouda, tbermouieter 80 degrees — Casseiras, the ex-cook of the 8. C. AUeu, whose story is well known, was charged with murder iu the second degree and his ! been rernanded for trial at tbe next term of the Circuit Court. “Sheridan’s Eide," Ham’et’s “SoliIoquy,” “Gee Wliiz,” and other recitations may be heard only at the Popular Phonograph Parlors, Arlingtou Block, Hotel street Dou‘t mistake tlie pluee. Dr. C. B. Coopar is “in it ’ with bands and feet. With hands :in vaccinating the poliee, and with feet in climbing upward ou : the ladder of olheial positions. He has lately been appointed as physician at the Gaeeu’s Hospit*l. In9pector Macy's horse has a hibit of walking genthy away from bis poliee station stall and | making for home ou a quiet jog His appearance, without rider. generallv creates an- exclaraatioo of Whoal Auswered by a neig!i. — Tbe drng. i>erfumerv and toilet • article departiuent ot Holli>ter i Co. (limileil) in their Fort street store, is presenting an attractive apj»earanc8. Messrs Lackland *od Woou are ndding to tiie firm’s iist of castoraers bv their urbanity and abi itv. Eeceptiou thīs evening at the Ceutral l'aiou; on «hieh occasion the newly introdnced electricve system will be displaye»l to the gaze of all cxstomers and opportuuitv wiil be given to insj»ect the pictures upon the walls. Pastor Cuuha has m»de all uecassary airangeroents. Cholera is being curt>J in J ipan by a subcutaneoas injectioo of cobra snake poisua. Tue doctors resortiug to this new system of treat:neut are meeting with phenomeual sacoess. A Tieutsio com»pond-»nt iuforms ii M'rc iry tbat t:ie Cbinese E upress gave birtu , le * sou last month, so that suc- | cessioa oi the piuaeuk sty is I «M»aUFed.