Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 73, 29 Malaki 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

LABOR B3RE.4D. > THE AMEUIOAN LE\GUE ■ Ioave to annonneo that it , lias est ib ished an Eaipl >yrnent I Bureau in eonneelion \vitli the Ameiieau League. We wi!l be | pleased to funush you with ski 1led or unskilled labor withont , any fee for the engaging snch i labnr. The !abor enr<>lled with us is of the following 11 ition ilities: Araerican, Purtugaese, Hawaiian, Gerraan, And other E nopean X itionalities Begging leave to open a correspondonce with you ou this subject, We remain, A’our obedient servants, The Amerīcax Leagce EmployMENT BūKEAU. Addross all commi:nicitions to THEO. P. SEVERIN, Secretary. mar 2S-tf. P. O. Box 493. ZSoticeDnring n>v absenci? fir>m this Kiauuom, ! my brother LEE POI of tae Fina of 'nn ; Vee Hop Lung Kee at lV,«n;e, OuLn, suull act for me with fsll po _ .rcr of Att rney. K\VA[ YUEN j Of Waianae, Oaba. Msr. 5th, 1S34. mnr G-ltno F0R SftLE. COLTS AXD FILLIES by ,, XUTGBOTE'’ 2.22 ont o/ sneh mares as ••S IkT‘’ 2 2t> ! trial 2.14. •‘P«-le“ 2.36, “HaU-.aWu" ,Um of “Miss H.iOoweeu'* 2.24, an > -.S!ati 2 21. •r»ink!r" 2.30 1 ,. “LaJy Powew" ; md olher g»i mares, jtiso. "Dropper" pnppie*. (cross between Setter 1 and Poinlen, thoroaghbr»rd nu both sj>les. • Biue Peieon Setter Bitch “Minue ’ Xobie,” • prixe winner in bencb «nd āeW, | »!ea-!T and staanch. Xo eun !uu * better ■ »horonghhi*d, Jersey Baii, by “Eai’- King’ ; oot of “Jersey LilUe, 1 " ng»tetrd. 3 naieū Cows. Far forthsr particalaxs, APPLY to A. J. CABTWRIGHT. i Msr 15-tl. POL ND MASTERS NOTICE. Notice is hereby givea te> aD pers- r»s. that thers is at the GoTerumeat Poaud at Makiki, oae strayed cream horse. kmg white , spot on the fotvhead, feet ane white. braaded 1 P on right hind leg. forv-feet *re shod. j Anj penon or penona owu;ng this hone are rv,aestc i to eo-. e tu.d : uke the same on er facfjrc 12 o'eioek nooa tATUKDAY, APKiL, 7lb. 1X)1. JAMi-S KuKONA, Poand M«-ur. ! Kokiki, Mae. 27, UOt.