Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 71, 27 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
TīirSTEE'$ XOTICE. A11 p»«rtjes hi»Tirg cl«in:s *g»ii'3t Sax'l K Kaxasau an»i Mss. T.te:a Pileoi Kaxas.ua o! Honolala. O»ho «r« reqneste«1 to present them to tho amlersiKn©J bef»>re tbe 31st <l*y of Mnrch, 1S1M. AH reuts elua the p«rt;»-s «l>OTe menlione»! mnst be puui at onee to me person illy AUHAHAM FEKNANDEZ. Tiustee. AHl.’N’O .'i: Co. Taite S|Ti5f ?wkt. Ho!iV Eloek. Opp. vJteen Emma Haia. Uonu»aln. ALAK '.E ASS>»BTMENT '( PUr>T»K C«'utH>rT. Rnwi cknhs, Bn»i ls r«tt )ns as».'rtci NEW P.VTTERN n ? o*b, T»wN sci THE WELL KXOWX THOROUGHBRED RUXXIXG STALLIOX ‘*Dnke Spencer“ Will £t »nil ilie S«a> n at tl»e St »b!« s of A. *T. Cabtvrioht. Estj., Mukiki. Fee. Fifty DoT rs; p-»y«»b1e at t m - t'f service. (i"»'»l e >re tuken «>f M »res; uot r»‘>p nsible f<*r .»ccid. nt>. --Duke Sf>enc»-r. b v: hi»iglit. !»ftecn an>T t' ree tp»artcr l»»n«U; of tliem'>st ge!itle »1 >10sition. ui r 10 Thoroughbred D0GS for Sale THE ENGL1SH SETTEU ** Honolula Girl,’’ BreT at the Glenmnre Konue >, Berkeley, C.«la. Registeivil (N ■. 31.008) A. K. C S. B.. .Vw Y rk. Sired hr l.eeK., winnero( D?rhy ! ho l*a; cific C’.»ist Fie!<l Tri:d «t li ik. r>iioi i in I>!iO. Le by Ro luey (9,4'J0iSron> Ptiylli*ll <2.1t : .»), R.»lney, Ihe * re«>f 1 ee K . t<v Is>c I».. Imiii K.te D„ 13,715] fram Phylh<* II [2 1»>5J K .ke ['212] fr>m Phjlii> 474. ’ The «laiu «<f Hou him (.irl u.<s īielle Gla<lstone, iho ouly danj{hti'r ou the i’iu'iiio C<jnstof eiiauiiiion (.ia<’.»tono (113»; froa» Zell, (3,S(>1<.; I»y Dan, [1,356], froiu (. h.uupion l’eml, [8,427]. THE POINTER * Honolulu Duke/ (30,803), bred at llie SIinbb ii.i Keunels, Ott \va, 11. hy Devonshire S<>n, (7,845); (rom Shnrb«, (3,263). The D <m <<f li<>n<>lnl i D<:ke i> lielle, by Jsck; from Bellc D. by Trii»kett’s Bung, (4,117). Honoluln Dnko is t* oroi’glilv br ke on plie smt>, \vith st uneh po nts —m all-d y d< g. F >r fortlier p.»rt:cal,irs. apply to or uddrc.ss W. M. CUNNINGHAM, rnar 10 Anohok SalooN. C. T. AKA\A N|grc5aq6 īailoi 1 ! 321 Nuuanu Street -iVl 1 Suits Guaranteed To Fit and in the Latest Style. Clothcs Cleaned and Rcpaited. nol7 ikional Iron Woi^ Qctex Stbeet, Between Alakea <k Richard Sts, TflE UNr>EBSIGXED are prepared to make r0 kin<U of Iron Bnss. Hmaie. Zmc Tin and Lea<! r «t!ne<. A!so • General Rep*<r Shop for S:eam Ei. srt“a, B.ce M.il», Gorn Mill». W«ter Wheeli, Wind Milia, etc. SIacbines tor ihe Cleamoi{ of CV>fT<-e, Ca.»tjr Chla, B«ass, Kamie. SUal, Pin?!»pple Leares 4 oth«-r Pilm n» Pfati.ts, And Pa(«r Stcck AKo MaeLinen for Estn»ct»ng Starch hom ihe M.anioe, Anu» Eoot, « tc. tTtf" Ail Order» promptly atten<U*d so. AfHITE, RITMAN €\ CO. P01XD MASTER’S NUT.CE. Noūen U herehy R»ven to all penwna. th» t lber«! U «t ihe (*overnua?nt Punwl nt Makiki, oue >.tr;.ye , l crenm hume. !oi»«{ vhite •p»l on f;«f.>rehei«l. fre» «re «niie. h.apd««l P on rsht biud leg, f> rt-feet «u* *LoJ. Auy penon or ;>er»uutt o«<»ing this horse ar« nx(aeste>1 b «*•> e ar d Uke the »Mme on or brf<>re I2<>’ciuck »o»n 6AIUKDAV. APKIL, 7tb. T>9*. JAALLS kukona. Tooud M.>«aar.