Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 71, 27 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — Hawaiian Hardware Company. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Hawaiian Hardware Company.

1 Marcb 14 18lM. Tbe f ict that bnt less tban one | hardred p«tents have heen iss >ed l*v tbe Hawaiian Govermn'*nt does not speak volnn»es f>*r the iavent ve abi!itv of tiie res<dents of tbis conutry. Nor are «11 the natents to Hawaitans, nrnv of • • tbem. perbaps a majority, «re m»rely to people iu Hie Uaited States wlio wisb t<> protect tbeir interests ail over tbe world. We bave had a p-.tent issned for tlie Jones Loekeil Fence. bec«use we saw tb«t it w,is a g<>od tliing, and tbe people who build feuces believed it the best tbing tbey bad ever seen. Cert.»in parties had m conterapb»tion tlio roannfacture of the urticles us»‘.l in the Locke<l Fcnce. and we did not think th>it m iiuitation article would be half as good as tbe original, henee. tbe patent on Hawaii. We h ive been selling tbe Jones Locked Fe:ice for a ye«r nnd its popul«rity is growing every day. As an evidence of wbat tbe Fence is tboug!it of by a gentleraan wbo is tborongbly well posted in catt!e and fences we pubLsh the following letter: “Kapapula Rmcb. K in. H iwaii, Murcb 10, 1894. E. R. Hendry, Esq., Marager Hawaiian H.irdware Co., Houolulu. De >r Sir: 1 l*ave jnst corapleted some three miles of tbe * Jones Loek | Eenee” and rnust s v tb <t I am ! very mneh p!eiseil witb it. in f.»ct I it is the fence for a rancb. I bad «bont h mile t<> constroct over ; “pnhoehoe” wbere it wus neurly impossible to get n post dowo, nnd foaml in tbis caso, especially, tbe “Jonea fence‘’ was a gieat saving o{ 1 <bor. Thereare p!aces in <bis Eenee where the posts are at le»st 7ō feet apart aml the space between filled in w:th stugs. Tbere is no sag to it. and it is as spriugy a wire m.ittreas. I aiu confident that it will tarn nny ordinan, stock. I have some two and a ba!f m;les more to | construct over a country wliere j wild cattle are very plentifnl. | and as soon as it has andergone the test there, will wnte yoa fnrther. If it will tnrn tlie stock on tbis part of tbe l:»nd, and I , feel confi.lent il will, yoa ean rest a&snrcd tbat it will turu most 1 anything, except a Lava fl<jw. Very Trn'y Yoars. J. MONSARRAT.” Tbis sbould convince tbe most skeptical; if tbere nre people wbo j still doubt, let tbem eome to oar storo an<l ins[>ect a sauiple. He 6avm Mvae Ci, 1 * «fc/7 Fuxt Skeet.