Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 71, 27 March 1894 Edition 02 — CHRONIGLE GULLINGS? [ARTICLE]
CorrespcndeatChips, with Cv>mment3. Speci>l Corr»poniface af tt« CffSJ5KXX. Honoln?a. M «r. 3—The l.t>t nct ij the Haw.iiian dn»ma is r.ipitllr De-»ring aa enJ. * * * (No date set) , Pres;dent D >le and bisCabinet are hi»rd at work on tbe nen CoRstitntioa. aud a'l necess.-trr I detai!s toward a Constitational convectii>n are bcing aiTanged. D ;nrg the rresent montb all niatters relating tbei -to vrill haVe been «rrar!gt*d. and tbe pnnlietion is confideutly asserted th >t by Jaly tbe llawaii.-m īs!.mds will be gov»-raetl nnder a ne\r form. Wbile it is trne th.it tbere are some noticeab!e dissecsions amcng the nnk and fi!e of tbe Provis:onal G >vernment's supporters. notbing wbicb is iikelr to canse a serious split in tbe party is imininent. * * * (Ha! a d.ite, July!) Since tbe reporte<l atteu.pt sorae weeks ago to tbrow d\namite bombs arao:ig the Cooncillors wbi!e in se>sion additioa:il precantions have beent ikenand extra guards placod inandaroand ; t!ie executivo building. Sentries bave heen doubled arouud | the G"vernraent bu ldu>g<. * * * * (Not to be ontdone. tlie above contemptib!e faked “dyu- | amite par" is iutrodnced.) Mueh escite ment was cansed vesterd ; v when it was rnmored th.it ex Oueen Liimokalani eoutemplated leaviug Honolnlu for one of the othcr islands. The story g es that slie belifeved there was about to be serions trouble, j and with a mirnber of her immei diate ret ainers shc was anxions | to secnre s ifely in fliglit. Tbe i first report said t,;at she wonld leave ber old liome nt Wasbington plaee and procoed to her villa at Waikiki heaeh, near tlie oeean. From tbis point a boat | fnr a hurried trip. if necess rv to a man of-war, con!d beeasily :md quickl3’ accoraplished. Sbould tlie expected tronblo occnr ni 1 town tlie note of alann cc>uld be given by eitber a telenbone raessage or rockets. Imraediately npon sr.c!i sigual her ex-raajestv wonld seek protection nboard the Eoglisb gnnboat. Eflort is being niade to discover if her at- | laek of nervonsness is a revival i of fe ir or simply part of a precantiouary moraent. * * * (We ean lingb ut tiie above; flnent, imaginative. but of conrse based 011 *‘.t was rurar»red.”) It has been settled 11» >t Colon el J. H. Soper of tbe Provisional forces wiil retire. * * * (News indeed! S»per is not a “bad mim.” but ‘for tbis relief, mueh thunks.”) He (Soper) will lie sncceeded by a skilh d railit »ry instrnctor frorn West Poiut, who is expected here b\’ the next ste>nner from the Coast The pl.-m is to allow Colonel Soper to retain his rank and pay during the remaining year of liis enlistment, whilo the new commaoder will receive n commis.sion ns Lientenant Col- | onel. bnt be iu realitv at tbe ' head of tbe armv. * * * (Does Uxcle Sam nll this?) 0f late Minister Willis has been making qnite a show of j fr'endship for the Government, ' aud is doing all in his power to : overcome the fee'ing raised I n «gainst Lim by Lis :-ctinns in attempting tbe restoration pr<>pajgaoda. Up to the present ti>ne | the Provision>il Government has roceiv<id no intimation of the rec ill of Ministsr Wil!is, and tbe ’oeal prjss b is C3»se.l agitat on for b:s recall. * * * (An intim*ton tbat a Keniuekiun j Ukes wab-r.) No new developmeuts bave eome to ligbt in connection witb | tbe French C irarnissioner’s cre deutials to the Qneen. M Ver- | Ieye, tbe prospective Frencb { Couiraissioner. is aathority for the statemeut tiat the French crai»er Dacbafl.»uit will arnve j | here shortly from Va!par»iso. M»ils bave already urrived for tbe vessel. It is evideut M. Verlaye inteuds remuiDĪng iu Uiiscoantry.be bavmg farnisbed * cottago aad Sctt od il . wu tO j waideuco. C. b. i