Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 71, 27 March 1894 Edition 02 — The Maternity Home. [ARTICLE]

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The Maternity Home.

Ooe of :be mr3t icstito lieM in tb.s comnian!tv is tbe M» terjity Home. It 1*8 l>eeo demcnstrated that one of the main rexsons for tbe rapid decrease of the H»wniiaus was tlie laek of cire sbovn to newborn cbildren aud to b rth-gi ring mot!iers. At tlie Uome tbe Hawaiian wemen fin«l all the attention and j roper treatment uecesiiin' aud the iustitntion showsas good results as it ennhi be csj«ected with tbe litnited means at its d sj)os;il. In ull other eommnniti«s snch inst.tntions are S' j>poiled. if not alt« gether car ried at the publ;c’sex|>ense here the Home is near y altogether dejxjnding on indiridaal charitv. The Ilome has fe!t tbe hanl t;mes as we!I as other charitable ;ustitntions. ai;d it is uow pr j>csed to raise fonds bv the g ving of a grand ln;in whieh will take plaee on the 31st inst . nt tbe Hmne on Beretania sireet. beginniug at 1 o’e’oek p. m. It is to be hope<i th«t a Iurge naraber of people «’ill 1 Mitronize the atfair, wliieh wi 11 be as jierfect in its kind as anytbing ever seen here. Tickets «t tlie re; s«>n«b!e price of $1 eaeli eau be lmd from the ladies tnanag r.g the Inau and >«ls«> at 1 the Holomca cfiice. T',>nris's «nd visitors shonld notlose tliisopjx>rtnnity tosee u real “live” Hawai1 ian luao.

1t IS reportecl that some little 1 force aiul persu:ision is being usetl to eompel about forty or fifty n.itives \vorking nt the I K'amehameha Schoul grom tls to ! subscribe to the electiou oath. : There are many people who a year «go hardly had shoes to their feet, now wear most gaudy headgear, in various ollieial j>ositions Rexegades who may tlcsire to vote must remember that they i canuot hold any office unless tliey heeome naturalized. The “Coming of Arthur" is lookeil forward tn with great iuterest by botli great and Iittle p. g’s. Why so mueh interest in royalty? HawaiiaK8 should not forget th«t Marcb 27th br ugs to miiul the date on wliieh one ef their ; best e >nntrymen. was dnped into I dis!oya!ty by des ; gning fu|Iowers ; Tiiat mua was tlie Chief Coki. j _ The biblictl incident of “money-cliangers in the temple’’ probably hatl ;i ch>se panillel this iifternoon iu the edifice patrou zod by fashionnb!e poople ! aatl yclept the Central Union Church. According to tho ’ Ti*er tdio W oiuan s Board of Foreign Alissions wouhl meet first f< »r j>rayer nud lectures, ai d then t’aere wouhl bo just a littb -‘s ile of f ns «nil iiiats.’’ Christ did not e ill. the clittuces are th >t He woulil not be recogn ze»l if He | did, and if any niraj>u.s wns made He would be quickly villified bv t >h power behind the W’oin»in’s Bo»«rd, their pens, and their ; friends, who now hoid tho fort witboat anv “divine right.’’