Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 71, 27 March 1894 Edition 02 — ALL IN LINE. [ARTICLE]

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Agitation Amongst Asiattcs. Whilo thc qnestion cf a franchise for tlie Japaijese h.-»s been 1 foremost in the minds <>f onr ■ pobt eiana, the Cliinese have not 1 h**«“ii idle. There is no treatv ’ bel\V“en Chiua and Hawaii. bnt theChine.se residents here «lio i ( pay nearly ono foortb of all the revenne of tlie conntry fecl that , they must protect t!ieir inUrests, aml have a rig!it to be heanl in the Coaiic ls of the laml. The precipitation with whieh the P. G. dropped the obnoxious license a t has shown the Chinese that > 1 tliey have snlllcieut power to dicta(e to the government. nml they are deteriuincd to havo tlieir rig!its. Tliis mowmenl r has been nnticipated for sorae tirae whieh ean been seen from the fo!lowing r* marks that. appeared in the S<in Frnncisco Xew» - Lelln' of Maieli 10(h. It says: A menaee whieh, «ccording tn the latest dcvices, has npivared i is Uie restfulness rf tlie ; Chinese on the Islunds. Tlies • slirewd heitlien, km>wing that , they contr 1 a very great proport- ' ioii of the bnsuu*ssof the Islauds | >ud that in nnmbeis they are strong. h«ve heretofore lam perdn aml have hardly beea takon i to account. We may be snre that if thev liad believed that ’ (th« Is|hiu1 s wonId be annexed to | tae l nited Stit<-s, they wonld I have been heard frora long ag >. | But now lhat they have seen the , euiiaiu rnng down on that farce, and are observmg the self-aggian-dz ng mt>vements **f tlie Provis.on il Governrnent, tliey aremeet mg together to discoss tlieir uiterests. and are t dking alanoingly about certain ironclaos whieh fly the yellow dragou. Why sbould they n«.t vote nmlei tlie j>ropose«l constitnt on, ai.d why. as they are taxed. shouUl not j.s inany of tho r number as they eau elect into olhee assist in t >e cond >ct i f the g .verume t? And ii Ch ine.s’j wir s!ii;>s ar>* | required to enf.>rco their nghts, we iuav be snre tlmtthe Eni|>er«>r .'f eiiina will n*>t be slow m j s> ndiiig them. The Provision«I Govenunent c.mnotbe in n huppv fmme of ra;nd over the.se nnexpeeieil uud unnoying devel..p- | uieats. The ng‘t ition among the Chi 1 nese is now carried ou in a 1 manner whieh only C!iiuese ean do. Last n ; ght a inost iniportam ; meeting was held, whieh resalted io generut ordors, beiug sjat out t > the Chiucse res dents wliieh | will te!l theiu whst to do, and at the k.iioo time tix eaeu of ihem ! for th-‘ |‘Ur|Xise of raising neces s.iry fuuds to carry their )>oiut The Chiuesa mean business ; aud if the g >vera:uent is readv 1 u * I to give w.»y to the Japanese, i l>ecause tbry have guns an.l men. : tiiey will also have to give w.vto ; ! the Chinese whu have even raore : guns aml more meo. Look outl for, thcre aix- brcakcrs aiiead!

I The AJiTruser now proposes tb»t tbe new conslitotion shall ] provide tb«t on!y H iwaiiun I c tizeus be given tbe fntncbise. ' , Gre.it Scott! Isn‘t tb;»t wbat ) tbe Hawaiiaus bnve beeu figbtiug | f r sioce 1S37 and agaiust wbicb j tbe Reform Party nuJ tbe !, ti*er kiekeil so |>ersisteotiy. Tbe t wiaaom aud foresigbt of tbe t N .tional Eefurta Po Sty u uow < beuig roal.aod. t