Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 71, 27 March 1894 Edition 02 — A P. G PROBLEM. [ARTICLE]

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How T*> Evade a Treaty C’ause. __________ Tlie Adverti*er lias finally eonio to the eone’.uaiun tL<.t tlie fnneLUe ronst Le pranted tu tlie J»paoese resi»lents in llnwaii, bot t!ie rent*oning of tlie niorning orgiu is cert.iinly not sonntl n» r jnst. It nses tbe nrtpinier>lam. <nl homnein that, if we «lou’t grant tlie fr:inchiee, we vill be «lnppeil becnnse tlie Japanese government is backed *‘by roore g*uis «nd men’ tLnn is Hawnii. Tlie Ad■ a88ert.s tliat ■ *it is very qnestionable \vhetLer the elaiin is \ve!l fi»nuded,’' altliongli it «dniits tiiut “ the convcntion helweeu Hnwuii uu<( .I ipau cmtains something like n favored natiov dnunr. \\e «lo not kuow Low the cdit<>r of IIie Adtertiner reads £ngli.sli aud interprets treaty clanses, bot we cannot see Low «nybo«ly ean mirtunderstind Artic!e II in tlie Japan — Hawaii treaty or only see sometliing like a “favored nation elanae in it. ’ TLo article re.ids: TLe snbjcets of eaeh of tlie two LigL conti.ictiiig parties. respectiveiy, sb.dl L«ve tlie libertyfree lv aiid secnrely to eome \vitli tLeir ships aml car«»>es, to «11 places, ports and rivers in the tomtoriv8 of tne otLer, \vhere trmle with otLer nations is per mitted; tLey may remain und resitle in any snch ports; aiul pL»ces respectively, ai,d Lire und Of«*upy Lotises an«l \vareLonses. iiini may tra«le in ali kinds ».f pn tb ce. inHnufrictiirc8 aml mercliNi.d se < { lav\f«d conunerce, enj yi"g at all tnnes the same l’ltiviLF«;Es «s umy Lave been. or may Lercafter be granted to c.ti7ens or subject.s »,f «ny »>ther iu>ti» n, payii!g «t »11 t : mes snch dnties «nd tuses ns m»y be es«rted fmm tbe cttizons or subjects ol’ «>tlier nati« ns doiug business or residing witLin in the t«*rritories of eneh • of tLo LigL coiitracting parties. Aiul i»i conjiection lierewitli we nill i sk »11 tLe «*»litors of tL«* Adtrriisei' to read Art ele IV of tLe same treaty wliieh s»vs: It is Ler* bv st pnlat* d tbat tlie Hawaiinn (,t«)\«*riiment atul its st.bj«’«*ts i/yH>» hkr trrm* nnd eoiidilivH«, wili be allowe»! fv«e aiul equiil p:«iticip»t.on m »11 privel-cg-'s iiimiuiutus. uiul advant iges tL»t tn.«y Lave lu eii or Lereafler be giaut«d by His M;.jestv tlie Tenuo of Jap «n to the governuu*nt cit;zeusor subjects of anv oiLu' uatiou. «• f«ij to see tliat tlie Japnnffe are not entitled under tLe above name«) . rticl«-s t > tlie fr.«ncliisd »s well ns to «il otLer priveleges of tlie citiz.*ns of tlie “most f «vore>l nations in’ Hawaii. Weemuol «gree witli tlie A«/iv,/ōrr—presnmabl\ repres**ntiiig tlie P. C». — tL.it t!ie r : gLt of tlie Jap«nese ionly b«ck«d by g«us «nd men. acd not bv law aiul justice. If it ! wrts not tli «t 1 iw aml j.istice «leniHiuU, we sLonld not f«>r a m«>nientNdroc>«te—as weal\vavs Lave — tl>e gn«nting of tLe fr«usliise to to the J.«pauese resi«liug in Hawaii »nd otber\vis*> quabfi**d. But wemustsHV that if tbegovernment sentiments «re reprv*S3uted by tlie it is indee«l in , a pitiful condition. Bulldozed bv the Amenean (?) League (even in t\ adv »catīng 8uoday c<»noerts); fe >ring Jap«nese guus and men, and trembling for Chinese boycott. aud uprisings tLo meu who led tbe conntry iuto | its present snd pligUt Lave goo<l ' re. sous to s.«y “S.«ve us. save us fmm our own revoluticns. tLey i work like a boomerang ” If »uy Lope exists iu <Le inind of tbe P. Ci tLat tLe Jup.«uese goverumeut will uot piess tbe elaim for « a fmueLise. let tuera study tLe ! i political situatiou inM J.«pau us it sr to d«y. The geu- : I eml e!ection LuS just tuken pluee. ! Tne lladiculs secured 120 seatu i wLile Uie eomUiuoil s,s purties « tL.*t s«pport Uio prouent g >vera- i luoul uouut uu U2. Ouo «4 the 1

pnneipul pl*nk« in the plallonn cf the IL«lica!s tl»e *‘Strict £nforctm« nt of the Treatiert.” - » whieh not aloee bas refeience b» ‘ tbe foreigners residiig in J«pan. bnt also to J«panese residing ;«bro«d. It is b«rdir possib e for tbe Jupanese governmcnt to bod tbe six small p«rties t g#*tber :g«inst tb<! Ra«bcals nud tbe metbod tb«t will likeh l>e adopte«l :s to muke tbe * Dcfensesof J;«p;«n «i.d tbe Strict £nf>-rcenieut of Trcaties” tbe two pnueip il measnrcs c>f ihe govcrnroent wlneh. if :*«loj ted—as tbey nndoabtcdiy will be— will jx ss bly secnre tLe pr»?sent ndmia;strntion in pow«-r. The victory of thc Kudicu!s iu Japuu ine-ms measures of edncation aud enligbt roent and it roe ns tbut the Jap II cse iu Hawaii wiil beeuconnigc-d tu insht in receiving wli»t «eeoul- ; ii»g to the treuty, is dne tbem. | Htre is now «m «>ccisi«>n f<>r the 1 coming c«-nver>tion in HonoUilu to sho\v its w isd« m. st;)t 0 s:Lansbi|> ai.d g«;ner..l coroin< n sense.