Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 71, 27 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
.A<3 vo r*txjsemonts ; _ d£M£NT glOEW^ aM» 5faqit3 dui , bing Laid. giv»»a oa *ll kimU of I&|:f8fe WorI^ C-»'C :tr? v Srww rt, J 0. F. UOWi.KK. j I Jui CHA3. S133L[3, Imp3rCer .uui Commīsj?ion \Ieixhint, :\ nai J JT i\ H āO# j.> h* »i*' * *i mj iuti ri #v» . I* J. ;»( i.V i| «!>» «1 ī*Vj>!h!h 5M C0 A:;j!3si!e £ii R3Jiil 6rocers AXD PE0V1SI0N DCA.LEBS. ' K£2SR CAU?aR!U\ SAL¥3!V 01ICK I*j E»«y c*t; Pwwwai tfhMMr. SiLT SALMy\ IX BaRBELS ; * a Specialtt. i /// Fori St., Honalulu. Tel. 3jo, P. O. Bax 397. Anchor-:-baloon i i — i Ex “AUSTRALIA, ■ Auotfaer Inv< ice of thc \Vorld Kcno«roed fr:der!C!(sbuig LAGER B£tR i On Jrmoght aod hy lbo k**g. I j I — | Alao, as a Specialty, SUALL FRESH CAUrORH!A 0YSTERS. FOU CCX?KTA1LS f J2 l o ! Brancli ■!bathing Establlshment. HiL* Fihrt-«l«« Qath>D| R«orf (X» bc«n «&UrKcd »i ts co« m*n to the {‘«b?īo. ll H tbo ‘vr»t t> -»c* «m t ; .« i«fUn«l. to o»jojr i K.tss Us«rv ts o» bettor pt«.v lo Uv oi. St«e>a! «ccom- «' htiai« f. r Traiacira l»rui< »U« d <or *rvry ImI? bo r m.I na Sitonl»r« «»d SueJiv* «Teyy dite«a ninat». C. J. SH£RWOOD >i