Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 71, 27 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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j Ar.wxation versus Fc] ulaliun. Jn c< ncfction witli tte *tndy of oar pnpcl&tion, and tbe »ble d< «]cctions> n>nJe tbereou bv Vr. Auolhei •Apect, not c«. nsidertd by him. will certamly ’.Dtere«t the re8den». We allnd« to tbe cUims of merubersbip made bv the ce ebrated Annexatioa Clab, who aoaeme to be the : Peof-le. The fignreē tbereof. published ia the ‘"Inolhlol” Han aiian ; Annual. are as foi!ows: Toul PopaUUen of thr Anneiaūen Clnb. Whi.e tejnpor;»nly a.>suiomg, for s«ike of argaineut. tbe above fignres to be bona ji>le and correct, let us eiamine them under tbe !ight of tbe Ceusos. h rst. the Ainerioins, in the census made bv an American Soperinteudent, only mostered a general total of 192S. men wemen and children, aud accoiding to the Customs repoits. this nuaiber Las decreased. if anything, sioce tbe censas. barring out. of course, the handful of adventorers iraported from Amenea (but not all Americatis) by tbe l’rovisioQHl I Government as soldiers or spies. Tlierefore, to make np tbe 1449 Araericans claimed by the Anneialion Clob, we must hike all the men above lō years of age, viz: 1197, all the males below 15. viz: 100, and still emole 151 uonien. But even this would be uncorrect, for tbe undisputable reason tbat the Americans on tbe Islands are far frora being 1 all in favor of annexation, as proved bv tbe against it collected by the Hni Aloha Aina Association; so tliat, in Honolulu alone, at least, one hundred women raore mnst have been gathered to tbe Annexation rolls, in rrder to make np for the Americau men who have not joined, and i tlius reacli t!ie claimed total. Yet, at one time, tbe Annei atiou Club very iadignantly denied having accepted even signatur> s of Aiuerican minors, tbe Punahou boys, for instance, to whoin the heioie Eev. (?) Hosmer teaclies | military t.ictics and the art of sbouldering guns for niglit watcbes, instead of tlie ordinary Araerican eunieulum of ; scientific, litterary and biblical studies! However, frora the ubove iuvest'gition of figures, we see that tbe elemeni of tbe Annox>ition CInb is ' i fornifd of 82 pcr cent. of uiales over 15 years. 7 per ceut. of | a>ale children below 15, and T1 per cent. of fem.iles, the ages of whom aro not given, but raay be presnmed as witliin that period fitvor> ble to aunei; tion. Now «pplying tliis sarae percentage to the totr»l Membership 6,59(5. in this total, the nnmber of males above 15 years umst be on!y 5,276, or not quite one q>>arter of tbe totaI uumber. 22.171 < f uiales abovo 15, living in tbis Kiugdom (Asiatics not included.)! Passing on to the Hawaiinns. the uumber 1671, clairaed bv tlio Club, seems verv m< dest, out of total of 14,429 raales over 15. and out of a total Hawaiian populatiou of 40.622; I | tven thns. wliat does the fignre 1671, represeut ? Leaviug tbe feroale elenient out of tlie question. and ■ supposiug tlie nmuber to be correct and cornposed ouly of ! m nles, it must ine ude all the poor devils of men em|iloyed in any capacity, as government or public serviints, who—with t!ie nohle exceptiou of the Koj’ul Hawaiian Ban<lboys—have been obliged tO s’gu on the Anuexation roll, mneh jngainst their heart’s desire, tp save their daily bread and i I b utter; it aiso comprebends probably all the Uawaiinua in tlie jails, nud ull sucb nf tbe Hawaiian school cliildren, who j i eouhl be eolieieeel into adhesion by their teachers, witness { the Kamehamelia school boys. who, it is said. were privately of the penalty of expulsion if they refused to take | tlie annexation pledge, and the teacber, another Reverend(?), | O«eson. by the undauuted lies Le uttered in Americn, | hasshown that he was quite missionarv enougb to makeanv i use of bis antbority over tbe boys to furlher bis ends. 1 hns it woukl be exceedingly interesting to know how many J i Hawaiians of legal age, did really join the Annexation club | voluntiirily, and not under corapolsion or even misrepre I sentat:on, as R AA . Wilem, Priuce Kauninkea aiul others I did, who maufully withdrew as soon as they d.scovered ; tbeir error. j Concerning tlie Portugnese, it wonld also be edifying to I find ont how many Manuel or Autonio—“his cross” X—were m.ule to api ear ou the list, iu excess of the rea, total uum- | ber of Manuels or Antonios, positively found in the whole Portngoese colony? Crosses, for illiter.ite meu who cannot be used to untu.isk the fraud, are so easily daplicated ? ! Tbe Germans and t?c <ndinrtvians are uot wortbv of bein< T enq-iired into, aud in what concerns the members incloded iu tbe elastic categ >ry of “otbers,” many are ruraored to be names of such dead men existing on the old votiiig Register, the detcction of whieh was considered most ! i unlikely. Lastly, the Club roll is rather discreet about tbe British- j ers, only 351 being claimed out of a total of registered voters of 505. But among these 351, there must be raore 1 thao the usual proportion of minors and women. for we - defy the club to justify of 351 tme Britishers favoring : annexatiou and pimcy. Oue more remark: by taking tbe Ciub’s figares and eom-. parmg them with the corrtsponding totals in tte census. | we fiml tbat tbey iodicate tb«t 75 per ce»t. of the American culouy !>elongs to tbe Clab, while the other nationalities i give the followicg proportions: Ouly 4 per ceut. of the t«rtal of Hawaii«ns; P>irtngriese. only 19 percent.; Britishers, ou!y 26 per cent.; Xurwegians, 32 per cent.; Germnns, 40 per cent; and “othere” 58 per ; cent. Aud this shows, tbat, even with all the pcssible doctoring and stretching of figores for their membershsp, the truth j will oozi oat aad prove how the sympathies of tfae People j t4aud in r gani to vinnexation. With tb;s unweleome proof, »nd knowing tbat their rolls of membersbip oonld not st>od any critic.il ex.im nation, is it to be wondered then, that the Annexation clab refased b» sabm.t tbem to the scratiny of Corami84.iouer Bloant, while, as a significant contmst, the Hawaiian Patriotic Leagae. not ouly sent tbeir hooks witb over 8000 sigaatares ■11 of reg.stere l voters, to Mr. Bloant, bat left thera in Bis ; ob«rge, for ali tbe time be needed for & fall iavestigation 1; Ab cxo maog oju>£& I 4 ladi»dio$ tbrtr hm.