Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 71, 27 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
II I.an inmwni* OHEAP furniti:re ! YJJVG F4T & Co. Ccmer of King rnd Eeihel St«-, Honolala, Off».r a l»rge n«£oitn ent of fine aod d»6Īrub!e F URMTURi; wliieh tliey sel1 at a v»ry lew figcr»-. E-«iste».ds, Iicrt ans. Me. t Saf<s. Wardrolje8, etc., at price« to sn;t t-Tery bcdy. Call aud anepeel foryoorselve8. nm 12 TLNG FAT & C0. N^-VU-^0^A JUST 1<ECEIVED fn»m JAPAN Several Kind of Co'ton Crape, Latest Styie of Shlrts 10 different qaahnes. (Jreet A$ortment of porceIain Tea Sets a Specialty Jnpancse Lanterns and many Cnr'os suituble for Christuius Goods. 411 KIXG STKEET, Honolnlu. TelcpLones, B«ll 474. P.O. Boi 386. Muinal 544. n<>13 )m Holiday Presenfs The uudersigned beg leave to eall the uttention to a large assortioeut of tisteful aud elfcgunt Jfcw«-Iry, suitable for Chnstaias Presouts. Hawaiian FlaLr r ins in different sizes. Hawaiian Jewelry a specialty. lf you waut to buy an elegant and at tbe same time an moxj eusive Chr*stmas Present, eall arouud aud inspect my slock. THOS. L1ND SAY, Mdu«rny £lock, Fort St.Uon«lnln decl ti Sans Snnci HDTEL, WAIKIKI, UONOLULU. First-C/2ss A eeommooanEui iions for Tourists and lsfand Guests SUPERI0R BATHING FACILITIES,* Printe Cott9ges for FamilieS. T. A. SlMPSON,