Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 71, 27 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
E, 8( Bfjo IMPOHTERS AND DEALER3 TN Groceries, ]Provisions A.VD I^eeei, EASTCORNER FOKTA KING ST3. New 6oods Rec'd By everv P«cket from the East?ra States aml Earor*e. Fresh Callfornia Prodoce by everv steamer. All orJers fa : thfnlly attemled h"», aml 6o i ds *lelivereil to anv i>art of the city FREE 0F CilAKGE. Istanl Onlers S >licitevl. Sat sfaction Ga,»r.«nte tl. Pots OŪioe l>ox N > ltō. Telephone No. 62.
L.VNDS AT ACCT:ON. Bv virlne of an on1er is.«ned hv t!ie Coort tbrough tIio Cbief Jnstice. H*m. A. F- Juld, in reg.ini to tbe C;i-se «>f V\ ILLIAM WATSON et al. agnn'.t Duv:d W«tson, there wi!l bo sold ».t Tublic Anotion. at the Auction llooms of J.imes F. Mnrgm. at 1‘2 (i’cl<>c!* noon. on SATURDAY A;>ril 28. 1>04. All those premises sitnate<l at K meohe. Koolaupoko, Oahn; and more part cnl »rly design «ted ns follows, to wit: Lot 1 3 S0 -100 acres Ail «re parts of Royal Fateut 174 to Paol F. Manmi. All are parts of th>>se premis>s coaveve»l bv Kameh uueliu IV. to D.ivid W»itson, by deed dated Dec. 20. 1862, and recorded iu Liber 16. p>ges 127 aud 128. Title p^rfect. D 'eds nt tbe expens»s of tbe Pnrcliasers. For fnrtlier particulars apply to William C Achi, Attoruey for tlie Com!i>iss ouer, or to S. M. KAAUKAI. Com<iiissionor. Hon-.lnh* Feb. 23, 1894. Lot 2 Lot 3. Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 0. Lor 7. Lot 8 Lot 9 . 20 acres 20
]STol ieeDnrng n>y absence from tiiis King’oij, niy brotlier LEi-i POI i>f the Firm of >nu Yee i op Lnog Kee ut Wui.inae, Ouh.i, shull uct for me «ith fuU po«erof Atb rney, KWAI VUEN Uf Waianue, Oahn. Mar. 5th, !S!M. mur 6-lmo F0R_SJLE. GOLTS AND FILLIES by “NUTOROVE'’ 2.22 ont of snc'.i mur-s 'S lkj'' 2 J1 trinl2.lt. “Keele" 2.'>H. “Hnlloweeo'’ihuu of “Miss Hulloweeu’’ 2.24, un 1 S.mtt R >su' 2 21, “īwiokle** 2.30', „ “Ludy Powcrs” aU'l other i»’«xl mMres, uIho. “ūonii’ee'’ jnpoies, <eross helween Setter an 1 l*o.uter), thoronghl>re l on both s 1( les. Blne Pellou English »etter BiWh “Miouie N >lile.” n prize wi-juer i'i heueli «n.l ti-W. i>te>4'ly «nd st inuch. No nn u l> is h lu ttnr t!ioniiig>>bivsl, Jersey Bnll, by “U i»'sKii*g' ont of "Jersey Lillie,” regislcrea. 3 mileh | Cows f ur fnrther i urt:culurs, APPLY lo A. J. CARTWRIGHT. Mur 15-tf. , — ' — Hesbt Cosgdon. L. H. Dee. Calitbrnia Wiuo Co. JOBBERS OF Wines, Spirits, & Beers. Aiul in f tare t‘-e bas ? es-, wiil iie curr ed •• n«l»*r t >i? n *ne s«’ «1 j stv!e o! • C'LIFURNI« WINE CŌ .” at 407 Fort st eet Mela ruy Bnct. W0 CHAN & Co. Merchant Tailor King street, Tho*n »s’ Block, ue\t do»*r t-.» Holomnu • fiice. j All Suits Guaranteed to Fit, and IN TIi£ STYLE. j Clo*b 9« eieiuwl an>1 R?|*ajped, uoi7