Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 71, 27 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — NOIICE FROM THE Hui Aloha Aina TO THE HAWAIIAN PEOPLE [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Wliereas, tl e l'rovis'on:il Govermnent f»r *poses t > eull a Constitntional Conventi<n for tl>e pnrpose of v>reparing u new < Const<tution f< r the Hiwuiian Isi.tmls, »llowing ou!v 18 ilolegites to be eleeleil t«> sit wilh tlie j now e!eeteii niembers of tlie present E\ecntive and Atlvisory ConuciIs, nli'eh 1 odv c<’iisists <<f nineteen meiubers wh:ch wonU constitnte n rnujofity of the pro posed convention, and theref< re ub!e to <h feut ;iny wishes of t!te Hawiiimn l’e< ]>le. And where«s it is further proposed to allow ii!l fore gners who were in the eonntrv on or bef<»re J.nnarv 94 the rigbt < f fraitcliise.ni)d. whereas, eaeh del< gtte ai:d each voter will be oblig< d to t :ke an oat!i derogitorv t<> ihe d guity. traditions aiid huI< noicy of t!ie Hawaiian Nati<*n whieh is a clear violation of tlieir Cunst tutional rights. Therefore, be it resolved th.it we earnevt!y leeommeml >11 meml>ers of ti.e “Hui .\l>.h> Aina' and .»11 Hiw i ian svini>athizers t<> rtfr.i ; n from particip,.t >ug in the eoming election for delcgates to !ho j ropi>sed eonventio». A»d all iae<i.l>ers of t!>e “Hui Aloii < A »i:i” are especial!y cmtione<l against t«kirg a«>y of the prescr b* >1 o .tiis oi t kiug any p.<rt wh ttever i» the «for - men:i> md e : ect!ons, <r j >ining any o( the clubs si,utnl to pre pare *.he s.ime. «<nd frun> j<>ming ' iu auy i.cts whatev r ;>rf.-cting the Hawaiian Nation ur peupl-'s apne.il n<>w nmler cousider.itiun before Ihe 1 xecntive aud Leg.»i»t.vc author ty ».f tue Amenean Mat on. Bt OaEEK. ’ (S g.) Jas K. Kapu», Secretiry. Tuere is beiieve l to be I*ttle, if auy, trutu in the r<nuor that the money belongiag t> tbe I\n'ad < «e ot 0>e Fuc>fic is to aseJ to p<y » >UiOof tiio Kalalau eXpcu*c&.