Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 71, 27 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — Most Exquisite. [ARTICLE]
Most Exquisite.
The recept < n heU in hon«>r <>f Admiral Iiwin nn bo.>rd of tbe U. R. F S. Pli;lī.de!pl,ia was t’ie most elegint ;<rnl peifect entert:iinmeut yet g ven heie by an Americ.m ruan-««f war. The ileeontions, \vitli flags ;»n<1 fl >\vers, we»e uuusn.dlv 1 eu tifnl aml the genial spirit < f li. s;<5t:»l 1 1V f r wliieL tlu* Ph l.idel|-hi:i oflicere are fiuiioi.s bere secnred the ioost proncuuced feeiing of enj--yment and j>le.«sure }nn<.ng tlie nianv gnests «ho p.ii.l ihcir resjucts to the Admiral and his t»l>ip.