Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 70, 26 March 1894 Edition 02 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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Q eenst>’wn, Mar. 16—The Cunarti«?r Liemia, fro«o New York. a«nved th«s mormtig. She n<de tue trip iu five d»ys. thirteen h >ars eleven rainatea. Whila tiw Inp is • ue boar *nd fonr m:aules K>ng r th«u thnt miile by the C .mpania ia N veiaber it really m.ikea a uew wiut**r iwnl. « Um Ctuap»nia’s recv>rd tf fivo days twelva boar» a >vl sevea minates *«? tuad * over the noiiherly ruat«. whieh >« eigbty l««* mile» sborter. The h«j»ar!y trer «ge ttme o( the Laeama *j> t»cnty-oue ani tbree-qa«rt*-r kn »?*. Ix>nd 'D. M r. 16—The st.Uement t>f mtjI est au»t*iS f »r Iit)l !*5 >ho«s tb»t tbe total nj>rbi) itare will be XI» 566.100. beieg an iiienMW of Xo .126 0»0 »mi form* a p*rt a ) rtgr>mme f»xUfttdīag o*er the next five \ears. The peTWttttel ol tbe dot will be incre»«ed by 67it) euen. Sevco new Sr>l cbu>s war aliipa. ms rra«*er* aud l«o <1 ope v»f-war will be euueeaew) «i ooee. Calcutta. M*r 16—Th« expedilion <f(ii<at tb« Abor» baa »rm «d 4dfch at S*dy la. Tberw wi)| bc uo foriber opemUona tu»t 1 nitar U*B antoy «naāon