Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 70, 26 March 1894 Edition 02 — GATHERING CLOUDS [ARTICLE]

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Tfce Japan?se Begln To Hove. TJ e follow:og iotenriew b<*twn »Uc AVeo»i»«r conetpcB(i' oiil Mr. hrif.it Inine an i Mr. U. M In« n. tli« Hawaimn m »’-!< r n** - «nt in J«i>s ■ h.m b<M i. (• Tw.trJ'! ilo tLe Kjrnminer: * I L»vo w: me»l my Gorernmer.! l!iat tLe ln>t thing to Jo w • 11 i e Jn|'’in<—e r»>te. • rui Ley b»te |mct:catty drci«red t< d * m I L ive recou<inci>ded. “ *■ Wby bas the Gov«roment tak« u »ucb • rta«id'* > *'Th-y havo aLool coQclo<b*d lhat J «paneiui l«b*<r i» the oniv l«l>' r that |>innt«iii on ct«, beof tho tre»ty whieh giv«« Ihe J ')md«m mej-ectoni au untumal jirotec(.«n mnl meilienl in«*iec‘»«»n Y-»u s»-e the J .j<«ncs«- |»HV« th«* str»i.g st ‘f»T"tvd n*t ■« tre«ty 1 over ro«d. un.l if I* v .11 r» fiif.es t» grunt tho rrg:? (•» n .ini-.i m tli>H tro<»ty — nli tl.«- t ghtH given uiiy alion—tho Ju» > • -*v will withdrnw tlie r aul»j' i U Htid uonoaneo the trentv. 1 g«. t«> J»| «n on l»us ncs8.8moog olh r thitig* (o n«.tify the J «panoh«. G<.veri>nient that the l’roviaioi 1 G»TernQioni will rocomn»• d li\iug ij. to tlie troaty. Of oonim< tho c"nt*ni|'l«t»»i c»>nditioi ■ aill exclodo tho eooliea. h».S UiIh (»oV8inniont «uin»t give D*ncliai ta h?'.| otl)Hr» who ju*sm-> <ju«liticMti«n s the fr«nchi8o M 1 "«• S‘ ir ha.H i»t« rvi«<»ed M>nikU r Hatch und «jti' t« s liiui hs nu tik' th«t **tbe Gov*‘mnient nioi. Iy mf<<r:u*d Minister Ir«m th«* the «j«»estion of J«pine8C frauch>ac w<<i»ld he r»*f«*rre«t to the «onst.tuli«<n«l convention, witb tho vi«w of romoving dis crauinal «>n, exrej*t iu c«ses «»f th«*■> * who L«ve aoine peculi«r vl« iijm».! ti.*« (i >veruinont for beiMct-a rci»«I ’red.'* Tbe inU’lligent J«pan«’8o hen». wb » «re a «le «w«ke iu regarvl to tb« ir rigl. ts fnllv re«Iū:« wb«t the « xj>revs ■ » < f M>nislor H«tch »> i ' Tbo e ’tistituti.»n«l eonTftcti«,*n aill 1k» C"iujM«oil «>f rvj»r« s«*iit.«t v« s of tbo anoexation j>«i*y in Haaaii. Tbe J«p«uese, Cb •fi« , so and Hawaii ina. l»esides all f<>reigi)t«is who aro t«*rnie«l *’l» .yali*ts.‘ sr>’ Iwmnl fr.nu votii'g Tbe Iwo first natned cl«sses, t>y « sjKvi.il e luae. tbe two l«»t n«n «*d. by tl.e absiird<>atb whicb i» «'eui.-.n.lnl, Mid wbicb on tbe f«c i > f it m *k’*s all uli’H of jk>|>u l«r gov«run «>ut imj«<H.s bte. Wlio tb« n aro to voW? Tbo inemb-is «»f !«e anm\«tioo cl«ib and tbc dt : •r« , ut Lt<i i;i s mcludii g «11 tbe I’o t guesc' A rnr't rrs:«leacc in t(ie c« Qi.tn* is aeeo-am ■ m Tti<cli bar»«» 't « laige c:>i lkt oi rvceut Jirntt'# wbo luna the m« jor I» uf tbe \vliite tucuil>«rsof tbe ani:ex>tH>o pariy. The t’ortu g!! SC reg.s* t ,r>sl \«>te in Hawaii w.,s 2.091 «eo*»rhng tv> tbe oenr» t«ir .s At tl:e aame tioje w«s irgist«*iod 637 Ameneoo. 5tV’ I»r ti*lirn>, ilS2 Germans 22 Frv*nch. 73 Norweg «n« and 13t> *‘o:her naUou «htes; ,k or « total 1 of 1760 " wiiUe \ot« rs " Oat of j th« s 17»i0 vv»ters the gre*ler | n -l» r *f tis 5u5 firitiabers wnl b..| v.»te, «nd tbe I'rovistonai G. verou»eut )« iu<l«*ed f rtai.»t«< if ii. \>ut <>f the b*I «uee. ean mcst«»r tw<» tL nis. Tbe governn>rut m y tben if tbe eieoUon ts I c»ir 'd rly be ahle U> «lcj>ead 0« say forei)cn T\»lers ag«tn»t • b.»ul s«y laUO Fortugaeee voter* (MittM«iftiMM b«Ting ieft«udso.ue betng **Roy«list **) The Portu j g m* b«loug ia 8y«cpalb)e«. and . •iiuLooi to tue auti m:-siou»n Aoericau Lo«gae. aod tbe deiegitos < f tb«l poiiūeai »fg«būu- | li.o atil be n*>iuto*led «II over tb • couutry lbrv>Qgb sucb a eum bo.attou. Tue Amenean Le«gae •s «eli t s tbe Fi>rt.tgueae are | etrougly. auu empbaUcaliy oul- | •is>4eu «g>iu»t a!) A> uUOk and lbe B>atu piauk in tbeir plallona 1 b» U> pre\eut furtber )naugraUoo ! of AuiLn, «ud IiimU Ute rigttl» ol tuo«e liew aa tuuob m poe•il>iy. Tbe cvmvwntiuo wiil b« |

e Brpo*ei) oi the 19 ee!f-e)ecte<r1 co«ac»)k>r» eow in < £r«. i and dcleg»tea to be ! e)ected. 1 h 1 *. a« w* bare «howa wil) be e» btu4’ed br the «n(; A»btsc ei> raeot. »nd. asong tle cc*onciilr«n>, tbere are at tLrre or f *er *Lo w.il ti« a d«ct !«h) hUi d »'iiBst any voting pm;l«ge be.»-g gr>mted U> tl»e J<patHwe. W s Lave >n n>*sv ;urm-r is»cea d«'icūn»tr<tcd tbe wroog «Liea tlie Haw«inn Gv«temmeul Las lven (*cd yct >s) domg agaiD.«t tbe J .(Kar.es*. »ho ) eume bere am)er a tr*aty whieii *rcures theci tqvd rigkb witfa tbe 1 re*. leut» of t!ix ‘•n><«et f .Tored I n*ti«'is.' Mr. H«tcb*s «.seor»nce to tbe Star tb «t the <ja<*stion uf granling tl e fmncbi >e to Japaoese.otber* iw qii«i<fi'd. wiU be seti«d by tbe eo» stitnt oo») Co $- veotioo, Hhow* l» y«>nd any doobt i i tLat the J»p» ,ese b»ve noUi- >: mg b< bo;«e for, u«>th ug toeij»*H.’t f;t>n», ibat b*dy. T!ie anU-A-ia-roen will e «ntiol there. ( «<nd *ny)xK)y sU"diog up for tbe nndis «oled r«ght of tbe J»pMuse nr«U l»« h«x»tevl dowu aml snowed ni,der. Ti»e wi«»e t and (>«-<ternal g >vernment of J.<p»n h»H heret*tf>>re ahown 1 great f rl t «mnce in its deaimgs witb a:i«i tne Jupaoese residentH l:ere have kept very fja;*>t, anil ),«\e p<tiently >w»ited fartlier d«Telo}>ineuta. lt is uot too 'iiuo'< to s»y that such at 1 t<tu le h»s l>«.*en adopted tliro >gh 1 Ihe ag-ncy of the J «paneHe Comw 'hioi > r Mr S F»j<i who wth mre tnot. »nd <i j>l<<m tic ■ j Hkill, has ui.v<ersh>od ho>7 to p*Clfy Lis. uot aIt«-getLer : |>eacefui, countrymen. Tho <>utl<»«.k now utfired to the Jtt|>anese sbo» ing tbem tlmt a : new c<)Dst.tat ->u will bo g veu nt least t»Mup««r.<rily -to the conulry. ai«) tli>.t tbeir elaim for eqnahty ag ><u «iU be iguore<), b.<s o «nsed grent aud open <l.ssatis faction, aud )s the imiuediate so>-rce of the )nbor trouble. n<<w st«ite<) on Kauai. uud whieli sh<*rtly wili l»e fe!t a*l over the isl..nd uud by eaeh aml overy plaulaiioo. Ao <-rg<nizt-<l sirike uiuoi<g t!«e Japai»eae lab«»rers is f a iuuat seri»»»s <‘L ir. The g»verutueut c;»nu»t uudert»ke to c»pe with R>»ch a n»t)ve, uor c«n it atT»rtl t«» loek up .-iud feetl 20,000 men wbo ure bre»king their , ooutmcts’An organiBedatnkawill ruiu tho plant<tions —«nd the Ja|>anese loailen» f«l!)y recogmze ttu*ir p»wer nml tb«t they Lold t)ie gan»e m their uwn hamls. The Pr»visiooal Goveroment presam«bly b* Iieves that it will coutr»l the con>t<tuti»nal eon- » \ reution—or it wouhln’l bave eutered uj*<*n the scheme. T!»e ii)t th»d theref»re, to satisfy tbe Jajmncse is. t«> in.ike tbe quest ion of « fru.ch se t > tht-m (» >ra m. -unt iu t!<<* |>latformsor ple<lges |to be adoj>tt>l bv the delegates aml f >r the g»vei nmeut to u>e m)1 meauH to s*-cuie the eleelion «<f aueh del< g.»b s as wi)! |>iedge theu.selves t > f.t\or the J.ijwi.es»* lu the menntitne, «re abould av) v»se ihe J «|Hk»eHe to excrcise m iiU e »-ore p«*t;cuce aml go o»> j wi>h tl«eir work aa heiet-«f»rv uutii Ihe c*«nv»Miti»n ba* dectded. if iiawnii ahal; fu!fi<) its trevty <»bligatiocs <>r st-»nd (>erjure<l tn eyea of J.q aia aud the whv>)e wor d.