Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 69, 24 March 1894 Edition 02 — PERSONAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
M' J JM* ' :; <i? - in<l reton»e«l frotn the M»<1 wioter Fair. both lockiog extrezaely well. The P G b*« got Pr« ?e«or Ak-x*n<ier b*ck 8{!*ia. Ooe he S* r»iM» !e¥ io W ••»hicgt >o. Mr. Le gh lr*rine, the wellknown new>j>*j>er ret-crt-‘r. retnme<l ve«tenl«r bv the M%loia* « • » ni. Mr. Ir»iae h*-« visiteJ Kil«ae* aod Hileak»!*. an<l bas e»ijove.l a *i*«-k’<• sboot ng with M«>«sr-Spreck**U oo Maui. M <*ssrs C A ao<l I! i<lolf Spr**cV< !» r*-tarn i t<» K-<nololn from S,»recke «Til e yf»tf>r»i«y. M»-- Annie H*< m - a fiv*<rit«* - c • t\-l»el e of Honolnln r»*tcrn t<l h'-me l’v the Anatralia after a proi< nge»i » i*’t among frien<ls in s <n Fmnciscn I>r Fo< te «rh < left l<ere by the Unt A ;-trv*:4 f->r S.tn Fraucn*co. a« a rery stek nian. h.rs arrive<l -,felv at !; ' b<>rne in Stockton (.'<«! v»h«*re througb the ten»ler c«re of h»s u»other an»l fami!y he h«- «!re«<lv vi»ibly nnj>roved in he«iltb. Mr H Lewi- au<l wife retnrn<1 t > towu after a T!sit to their friend in CHliforoi». Mr L M M Plnnkett, the <puUr «u »n g»*r »>f t!;e A !>u -isters, write- tu.»t he an»l party hnve urrive»l in S»»n Francisco. The 1 »t»* f»<r t!»e t*»arri«ge of Miss .iu'ia Alim to Colonel Macfar!ane lia»! n»>t Ik*ou qoite tixe»l. but the wedding will take p!aee in tbe uear f»»tnre. Mr. PIunkett arranged a coneert on bo.ird t!»e ste iu»»*r on bia up-trip for the i« uef»t of the j> mr in San Frau cisco an<l netted fifty dollara. Co)onel (ieorge IV . MaeUrlane is in San Fraiicise«» with his fi anee- <«n<l v.«ry happy. Numeriqs congr«tuUtions by c »ble aud m »il haT6 reached him and Misa A!l*u.