Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 69, 24 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — Hawaiian Hardware Company. [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Company.
M.irch 14 The f*ct tb it bnt Wss th*n •'a** hor In-I h tve Ih’**u *•'; bv tbe Iliwaiian G*>veru: ■*r.t does not r imne- i >r inveative «bility oi the ro-: !ent-. of this o>'a»itr\- N r are «1! t’;e |>ateLt.s to Hawaii*n> m ny o{ them. j>erhaps a majorit\ »re merely to people in the l*nited St;tt*< who wi-h t J'r :*•• t • iuterv-ts all over the world. We have had a patent is>ue*l for the Joues L<vketi Keuoe. becaose we s.iw that it was a gooil thing. and tbe people who \ boild fences believed it tbe be>t 1 tbing tbey hadeverseen. Cert-«in j>arties had in contemplation tbe manufacture of tbe articleused in the Looked Kenee, and we d:d not think that »n imitation article wouKl be haif as good as the original, heneo. the pateut on Hawaii. \Ve havo been selling the Jones Locked Fence for a year aad its popn!aritv is growmg everv day. As an eridenoe of wh «t the Fence is thc«ght of bv a gentleman who is thoronghlv weil j>osted in cattle an<l fences we pnblish thefol!owing letter: I | ‘'Kapaj)ala Kaneh. Kau. Hawaii, Maroh 10, ls'.>4 E. R. Hendry, E-sj. . Manager H-.iwiiian H trdware Co., Honolulu. Deir Sir: I have jn>t eompUle»! some three miles of the 4 Jones I»ck Fence” «nd mast say that I am ■ ven* mueh pleased with it. in fact it is lh( fence for a iancb. I had about a mile to cons{roct over “j»«hoehoe' wh*>re it waB nearlv impoasible to get a post down, and found in tbis case, esj>eciaUy. the “Jones fenee’’ was a great saving of Iibor. There are place> io tbis Eenee where tbe posU are at least 75 feet «part «nd tbe space between fil!ed in with >tags. Tbere Ls no s«g to it «nd !.. . . * it is as spnngy »« a wire mattre--I am cocfideot that it will turu .vny ordtnar> aioek. I h«re some j two »nd a half miie» m >re U> construct over a couotry where w.U cattle are rery p!entiful. an I «s soon as it b«s nndergooe the t«st tbere. will wnte you farther. If it will turn the stock oo this part of tbe Uud. «od I feel confident it will. yoa ean re>{ assuivd that it will taro rao«t auvthiog, «xcept « Lav« fiov. Very Tra’v Yoors. ' J MONSARlLVT. — Tbi« sboald eoniioee tae mc«t | «kepliea!; if there «re who stiil dout>t, let them eome to oox siorv aud iuspect « aaoople Tlf Hmnai HLifirs Ci t 1 i *w7 Fe«1 au—L i