Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 69, 24 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

■ 1 " ]t i» u \* knprd.a» a matler o/ )trincii<t, tkal tke mme «r»7/ be pnmme/i t. i'/* «uw viifor fA<m kam i«e \ det€?of*d 1« a»y of tke fire- . j*ro*acuti('H4 oj Mr. \wme. So «uys lbe īkar io regsnl t<> tbe ch»rge hro<igbt »g*inst tbe r<L* r of rl>.- HoLo»r% The im ml-iioe x>at»ine<i īn (b«t »<b-:i-j.'~e ir r\ il y «>U.un l.ap wheii t t-' r< <nc alH>r*-<i that there Lave ’*>eea i.o pmemenlio:ie .g*ir.-t Mr. N' rrie exce|>l » r**e f lil-el j r -f« rrc<! by lh> br>ther- < :n-l«« c( lbo Aliuroey-OenenI. . aod vct ou the caler.<Ur of tbe * Cirroit t'uurt, mdy for tri«l;| «bile fi»u (5) ea-He* of crimin»l ! l:bel agnirst tbe e«litor o( tuC star ««re droppcd tbroogb neg i I»h> ! . (’> < I the »ntborities. Why doe»n’t tl»e Sfar advocato »oine i •r in tho prosecution» ag»in>t >U own editorf It »eeir» tb»t «ater-rates are now ij€M-<lrii badly by tb« alleged oi'uleol pr«<visioiial povernmcnt. W«ter-rates ar<> coll»ct.ible in »d\ «nee. aeeoni ng to th« ralea of tbe wat»r works bnr*>»u. and :f n<>t )>;»t<l m advance, thebolder of tb'> » »ter r!ghc is so|»po*cd to I |i«v 10 porceut. extra «s a puu ishmeut Uoder formor jvgiuirs this rule was observod. bnt now. fnon»>v is cv;deotly bndly need«d n tho Truasury. nnd consequently. douiHiids «re niade for j> rv- ; vt < uta :n advance. or no jv:»ter j will l»e furnist»e»l. We uot ee thoogh, tl»at the only citiz«>ns re ceiving noticos to tbat «tfects are th< >e v» iio nre politically cppos>>d to the p, g , while the (aitliful stij'{>i>rt*-rs of tt»at interestiug gov<>rmoent aro ueither dtsturbed nor duuned. Thet mnst l»e badly scare<l. We now l<>arn tbat a captain, a li«»uten«nt and a sergeant of a volunteor company slecj>s everv mght in the l'ahiee so as to be n .»dy in a oase of tronble. Tb«diHereot eompaniea tnke turr.s in do ng this «luty aml it is to l»e pr»saaied that the cfficers get w<>U j>aid fbr tbeir nightservice — as it wero. \N bat aro they afraid of 3nyliovt The constitutioml convention l«w isreprintod in a projwrsbape in tod »y’s J»/tvrr6'aer. Tlie raorning orgsn migbt bave c»ll*>d ! nttontiou to the faot, edttoriaIly i or otberwi«e. Thf. Atiorriimcr invite» the j>«blie t > j»urcbas«* acopy »>( Morg»n s rrjH>rt to tbe S»>n»te and forwanl lt t«> t%*>īr />■»>»i /.« in the Statr* Lhal s<*etus verv mueh hke ,- br ng ng eoal to Newo»st e,” i but tben the 'Tiarr n«>e»ls the ten ceut pieeee. Is IT n >t al»nnt time th«i »letective Wagner l>e discharge»l' A tbougb. we »re soraewb«t ioeliueil to prii« bim (>*r at l«>«sl sbo«tng n faroritism. but bo)d iug «U «hju«1 l>efore tho law. If I bis b g Willie w»>uUl do tbe same 1 he wuuld l>e mure aeeepuhle. Ir, there is one lbing tbat our >A»uog (otks n*.H*d bere tt is some ln»d<ly eiercisee whieh «ould i ;mj»r»ve their he«ltb. tho r sh»pe 1 aodtUe!rg»it Weknowol notb:ng m» re <>byecttoruibIe tban lbe*igbt of yocug Wy* or girl* trottmg *dong tb* slre* ts la * sioocbr m«uner. round-shoa)derC'd and v ub dr«ggiog feet Tbe ei*s i tie, elt>gvit step of tbe boy oj , girl wbo bave practīcvd gymn<uit-! ics *ud <lancmg is pieastng to tbe eye, *nd a s:ga of vtg»r snd be«ltb Mr. D»n Lyou» dancing scbool uow oj>«Qed. sbould I rec»ive tbe j«trv»aage of all parenU wbo b«ve the pbysical welf»re «ud good looka of thrir * kids ' «t be«ri. PaorcaaoB Alcxa.nocr ba« re- I turued frv<m W«*b ngton lt *‘tl bbw be ta erdet ior lb(H,

I di|domatic (*l sorveyor lo eome for«»rd »cd esplain «o<m of 1:i> tratl.fu’ >ud to mt tb > l« ..vt vc*y ru:aii. lit <4at«meid« f-.r-nivHel >y bim. wbi!e <JLrovi re~ i»titf l H ««iia » «nd Ht»«i»*i- i& n We sb«I! .a a future issne «ik Lim a few j-crt:nt-c: <ju.stioi.« ?Ji» IIi mī WiiraK"r«idei»i<K tbat be tv>.-r txprt-'vwd b.mself l> any H.ti:uu (or anyb»-dv e»>se) ■ m regsrd to Min:ster Wil]is in the rn.vr.cpr as referred to io oor yest<ni»y - i*-ae. W*.> fc*ve interviewevi ihu H iwaiian in quest!on. who dow admits tbat be m»y have l»-*-n mist»keo »nd misonderst«n<ling Mr \V-terhonse The !at!- r ,ok • iu Ecglish, in a >v {■ ,c«r ar.d refem*d ai»r jv ly to tl»e l«tterof Mir »ter Wil : rs I pr->doctd at thc Sas1 meet og <>t tbe Ciuoc:b. No word was mentioned. aecor».!ing to Mr. Waterhouse, m regard to an eventnal rec»ll of Mmi-ter Wdlis and tbe erroneoos imj ression rec«ived by our iuforuiant is ensi!y explained uudt-r the circcm6tances. The editor of tbe Advnii*tr tLi.- ra<»rniug accns«s the H >LOKC.\ of being guilty of a vlisp!ay of “lofty M|*rionty." We c»n st-ind tli»«t. Dut when the j>re iu »t rel v o!d Nunoy wbo e»Lt.tho niorniog An<ntiis c»lls the UoLOKl'» a tevlions juurnal we j>r» tcst. All tbe tirosome. sl<>w. hU'I f.»t go ng journulism in this town is concvutruted on Mercbaut l street. — We b»ivo for somet’tae bad an eye on the saporintendeQt of pohlie works wbose incapacity has been so often demoustmt©d It is b;»d eooogh to see him, throngh h s bnngling, squander the fow dolhirs. belonging to the t'»xpayers, wlneh tbc gov«rnmeut h11i«w-< f r pahlie imj»rovements, hut if tbem>>Q«y bastobespeni un foclisUn*-s,- tbe law at least sbonld be carried out aud j>nblic eonijx>tition invited. He is now !ii»rd at work on tbe M.»ktki ditch and a lut of oem«‘iit and lime is bemg used, but we have seon nn tenders ealie»! for, nor nnv suggestion of having th»> work done by eontra»'t. 01 ! no! a cert*in firra clo»ely connected to the immaeaIate j> g takes all the cream out of tlie job whieh, by tbe way. wouKl never 1ihV6 beeu neeessarv if. Mr. Kowell h»d known what ho was about wheu he built the dry stono w>»ll on top of the , ground. But. this is on!y on« of the manv instances we cou!d . roention furui>hing goo«l eviJence of the J>. g.‘s “be»tness.”