Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 69, 24 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Businoss C'arcls THOMAS LIXDSAY Mannf(uiuriny\ J<rvylrr and W<UcJimakrr, > Mcīn#rnT Biock. <05 Fort St. Honolohu MERCHANT S EXCHAN0E, 8. I. KHlW.'Pionmoi, CH0ICE LIQUORS and FINE BEER, Corner of King antl Nnnanu Sts.. Mutual Tel. 423. Honolulu. BRUCE&A. J. CARTWRICHT Bu«nes« of a Fidnci«ry X*tore Tn»ns*cted. I'pompl »tVr.tion fjiren to the rr.»n*«em«nt o( Eotates, fGaariia&.sh>p«, Trnsts. «te.. e»c., etc. Ojnc **, : Car(>i'ri;jh( Building, Merchant Street. Honolnln. H. LOSE, N"otarv l’uhlie. Collector and General Bu»incss A >jent. Paieniee of Lose’s Chemical Oompoum) for Clarifying Cane Juire. j SiJr-Ajent f>>r sevcral of (he ' Be*t FIRE ISSURAXCF COS. \lntual l'elephone o. P. O. Boi*.T38. ■ Merch*nt «treel. Hnnolaln City Meat Market Oppo. Queen Emnia Hall, t a b l i sh otl|1883. JOS. TINKER, - BlJjClj EF^ -* na Aīaker of the Celebrated Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Tky Them. Meat Deliveretl to Any Fart ofi the Cit\- antl Suburbs. ’ Mntua! T» lephone Number 289. INTER-ISlAKEPilOTAOE. C.vpt WILLIAM 1)AVIES, — FOK TUF, fVt TWT; V£ YLtRS in comiuind *.« Intrr-UUnvl Sle*njerx, offe» nu «emoM oi IM LOT to avt port or Ui>dtii$ m ihe K>Tuuti [«Uwk. ī fP" IW{ ol rr(. rrnnp*. inqnire at nffioe ■M J. 8. orer S;irrcUv« huk, o» We.v.kT Bs.o- . Fon Stn~rt (rb 1**0. T.H.Davies&Co KAAHI MANU ST. t l lonolulu. ; ; H. I. GENERAL v>d Commission £♦• -»-* Merchantsi | — 1XD — SUGAR FACTORS. ACBT8 FOK Liortb ■— Uei F«mgB Minx l»»as nw Oempwe;. UwaA NoaWa A«Mt;u.oi t'v\ *sr» X !d». Ua* <d P«<hrt> Ut«epuuL Liaā ai P»ck<«L eaaiia PkI( Eiilnī Cj. JLVI) euKia-iuMia Stossli) 0. Or»K «: TW AlWoe. OU U«il8(.