Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 69, 24 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
' Grand Ath.letic and Scientidc Entertainment GIVE\ TO George Washington, THE COLORtD LOCAL IN-I Rl\T«»R OF TI1E HAWAHAN IS! ASDS. SATURDAV EVEN’G, M »R. 24th AT TUB AMORY, BEK:TAX1A >rKEKT PR HiKAMMK. Part I. 1. Tlire»—Ronnd C-.ut»*s{ Morris ts Jodd.«>r. 2. Chib ōwinpnii .. Bv H. Sbc)dou. 3. Konr Roond Cont<*t for the Champion Hnnuiu Medul o( Ihe H.i'»*nsn IJau Us '. M. L»ncaster, Champion o( Sacr»nier.t>' rs A Jackson, Cb.nnpiou of Hawaii. 4. Clog D*nte... .The OnlT W. Dancj«If 5. Grtco— llomiin \Vrvstitng ft»r tha Chatnpk>n Medal, be»t 3 ont of 5 L’. Jone» ts Spenc«r 6. Three-Ronnd Ct'tite»t KaU ts Pinuo. Varieties by tbe Oriiftnal ifig >ix. St>ag»—••Who ih g ’iUi; to Cnt Th t Melou IXjwu.” ‘•ETery sease ot ‘Manoipalion," P.ART II. 7. Six Ronn>i Contcst . J. Kough ts Oeo. Siucla.tr of tbe ehampion. 8. Ciub Swinging By tb- Ouly Dtvi,i eeanoa. 9. Three-Ronnd Contest D. Caanna ts W. Se». 10. Japanese Wre»Uing Kal«ynwa t< Koyauage. 11. Knen>lly 0->n e>t B. Nelson ts j Sj>encer. 12. Fonr-R >omi >pimng Conte»t hetween Jitu Bamngtoi>, the MnWIe\\e>ght Ch>mpion o( the llawaiun Isl»u is vi Geo. \Vaahiagton. the l.oeal Iu»tractor. Mrs;c bt th« Qiivr*rr* *trB. T1GKEFS ,W., $1,00 Ticket eouKl t»- boncut at the f. li.'Wiag plaee*, Nolte, TUntm, an i Ebte lee l'iemi Parlcir». open at T3D. Pcrf nuann eommmeew al > r. w. Henky Conodox. L. !1. Dlf., Califomia Wiue ('o. JOBBERS OF Wines, Spirits. & Beers. Aod in f :tare t' e ba-« • psj> will CArred nn »»nder tbe n me »•*»! #tyle of “CAUFoRNI» WINE CO .” at 407 Fort sUt»t. ilcIo-r-uv B oek. Long Branch BATH I N G Establishmcnt. Tbi» Finrt-cl*s> Kesort ht!» bersa eol*ry I »nA is uo» oi«n to Ihe pubhc. It i» tbe be»t p'nee ob the ulaQtb to enyjy t bath aOvi there i» oo better pl*ce lo Uv od Specta! aeeommurlation> for L»dteft. inuneai» ihe door ewn b«lf bourftod oa Satnrtisys «od Saodav» erery hiWoo nioale». U. J. SH£RW00D