Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 69, 24 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — NOTICE FROM THE Hui Aloha Aina TO THE HAWAIIAN PEOPLE [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Whereas. tho Provisional Government proposes t.» enll a Constitationsl C«*nveuti«>n for the p>.ir(*ose of preparinp a n»*w C**nstitution f«*r the Haw.-iiian lslaiuis, allowinp only 18 tlele ! gites to bt* electetl to s t with the uow eleeUul memhers of the ! | present Exeontive an«l AdTisory I Cooncils, whieh b*xlv consists of ' nineleen members whieh woahl ! c**nstitute a majority of the pnv piiaeil conventiou. aml therefore »ible to defe«t auy wishe« of the Hawaiīan P«w*ple. An«i whereas | it is further pr.*p«*!«Hl to allow all ‘ foreipoers who were in the eono- ‘ try oj or before Janaary lst. ‘91. ihe naht of fr«ncbise, and wheroas eaeh «lelep «te aiul eaeh roter will be ob!ipe«l to i.«ke an o«th dei<*patory lo the «!ipnitv. tra»lits«*as »n«l aut >n«imy of th* H.iwaiiao Nitn*o whieh is a elear vio!*ti<»n ul tbeir constitntion«l riphts Ther**fore. be it re*»> ! ve*i « th *t we earn-*sllv iwommeml all m>uibers of tbe "llai Aloh* Aim" aml all H »w*iian sym}*wthuu‘rs to refrain from paiiieipat«ng in the eominp eleelion for *l«legHl«*e to the pr>pose«l c»oventīon Aod al! m«Mnben» v>f the **Hni Aloha Ain*’ »re especia!ly e*ationed ap*inst t*k;ng any of tbe prvi»cr W oat .s or U«mj; any part whatever in the *fon* i ®entit>C'*J elr<*tioB», or jomtnp ■ auy of ihe clabs st*rt«*d lo pw- | j pare ihe a*me and from jommp 10 anr acts wbatever adectmg lbe (Le Uawaiian Nalioo or peoplo. | appeal nov aader eoasi«ler»tion | before the Kieeohw and Lwpialatire aotbority ol Ihe Ameiiean | NiUon Bv Oiii Ei*.. |ā*g-) daa- K K*CUa, |

L*wion, M»rcb 17—The p«test eT*>nt tn tbe Engi»b alHei.o «ori*l. betweeo tfc« Oxlord aod Carobndge bo*t citsfcr-_ t- k plaee to-d»y. :o tbe pne-e-nee of the gre»t cr»»wd that alwar> line* e«cb uank of lb« riTer Th«sneEv«rywhere *lo->g the nver gre»t eathus’*sTj ti> tn.iVs:e»l Oiford won by {.►« length» io the ano*5cial lsroe of ‘21 minate&. Ricbm«>od .Tnd Mar-Par soq 1>«t:s. Joe Chovnski ani Peter Jackscn spcct \estervlvy and I-t night in th:s cty In an ictenriew I)oi— s\hl ’ W« fc »t« no reis»>n t be!ieve tiie tlg it betwecn C rb 5s J.»cks< n w;j! »ccnr bcf-re n»>tl Juue. as Mr Dr l\ C”rb* ;t - mnn»g r dv> - n>>» - '.i in *u\ Hnm to arn»iig*- rmvtt-rs J v'k- >n 1- r> ».i\ to fig',t a;.d t .»• r> ( r - ab »«t h.s b.»d be ;r arv untrn- " P tro t M .r. 1*5 D»u O Le»ry. an >ivl t rae pe»l« -tr *n h - :s-uevl a ehall-nge to Ed>» »rd P.tyson We ton «nd i. a1 ■■ Sc!)nu bi, i-■ 1 t.• .< r- f . » *H <1 »y heel and t *e w ■. k New Y- rk. M »r. lō—Fr> k Cr»ig, ‘*Th- Harlera C»*ri e Co >ler.” »1* fe.»ted Fr»*d M<*rriBll!\ Mil i»-n s Cv»'l 1«* in e gnteeu round> 011 L *ng »ii i. 1 iie pnrse w»s supp. sevl t i> iōOO. tho winner to t.»k<* all.